Islam and Muslims Archive
07 Feb 2012
Controversies Related To The Celebrations Of 12th Rabi ul Awwal
As the 12th Rabbi ul Awwal has been celebrated around the Muslim Ummah; however, there are many who believe that the celebration is mistaken. The reason for the disagreement is that the exact date of birth of the Prophet Muhammad (May peace be upon him) is irresolute and therefore the celebrations are contradictory. Here is
01 Feb 2012
Signifying Eid Milad-Un-Nabi (12th Rabi-Ul-Awwal) From Qur’an And Hadith Perspective
Celebrating in an event of happiness to express joy is quite human. That is why we find almost all religions and cultures of the world with such celebrations, allowing their followers to express and emanate their auspiciousness regarding any particular event. Same is the case with Muslims. Muslim Ummah celebrates a few occasions every year
25 Jan 2012
How Muslim Parents Can Offer The Best To Their Children?
Being a true Muslim is very special in so many ways; right from what one believes to what one acts, compounding to a human specimen that ought to be adored by angels as well. However, it is very unfortunate that only a meager percentage of Muslims stand up to what can be referred to as
05 Jan 2012
Treat People With Your Moral Conduct Not By Means Of Your Wealth
Islam given special importance to Moral conduct, it is a way of behaving well with others by showing your nice word and kind manners. When a person asked about the moral conduct, Imam as-Sadiq answered: “It is to become modest, speak honorable, and meet your brother cheerfully.” Most of the individuals put effort on their
26 Dec 2011
How You Can Make Your Life Worthier With The Help Of Quran Education?
Life is one of the most precious gifts one can ever demand from the Mighty Lord of the universe, i.e. Allah Almighty; Who not only created human beings but every single particle constituting the whole wide universe we can see and think of. Especially blessed are the ones who have been honored with the chance
31 Oct 2011
Deriving The Objectives Of Life From Quran And Sunnah In An Islamic Society
You cannot achieve anything meaningful and significant without setting a fundamental objective insight. In fact, it is the fundamental objective that motivates and drives a person to achieve any target one sets. This is also a fact that the fundamental objectives of different societies of the world differ significantly from each other, giving them a
29 Sep 2011
Treatment Of Dengue Fever Through Verses Of Holy Quran
Islam is a religion much more than mere religious teachings and principles. It is, in fact, a complete code of life that not only teaches people about religious obligations but offers them a complete set of instructions to live their lives accordingly. Importance Of Cleanliness In Islam Among all other things it teaches, comes cleanliness
06 Jul 2011
The Prettiest Mosques Of The World
Islam has been around for centuries now and Muslims had the opportunity to rule the world with the Islamic way of life. It was during this period that Muslims spread the Quran education all over the world. For some years, Muslims were the torch bearers of literature, science, and architect. It is during this rule
27 Apr 2011
Allah’s Channels Of Communication!
Allah has always guided the mankind through two main channels. These were the Prophets and the Holy Scriptures. Allah (SWT) has never left the humankind to wander in the darkness of this universe. He has always enlightened the path to success or the right path for humankind through the two major channels of communication. Primary
18 Apr 2011
Islam-isation is what Muslims need!
Freedom of conscience, new world order, and international diplomacy are again under question after the Libyan issue came onto the surface. Muammar Ghaddafi is Libya’s problem, in the same way, Saddam was Iraq’s problem. However, the United States of America is playing its strong role in the Libyan conflict with an agenda of protecting Libyan