Islam and Muslims Archive
20 Feb 2018
Women Rights of Inheritance in Islam | Quranic Verses and Hadiths
Islam is the religion in which every aspect of life is being discussed and managed no matter what’s the issue in the life of human beings. We can say that Islam is the complete code of life. Religion Islam organizes a Muslim’s life by issuing many rules and laws which guarantee an honorable and happy
19 Feb 2018
Gender Equality and Islam- Their Complementary Nature to One Another
Men and women are equal in one aspect as both are human beings. In another sense, equality between men and women is impossible and an insane due to their natural differences in physical, mental, emotional and psychological qualities, affection and abilities. Keeping these two aspects in mind we must highlight how they are equal, and
15 Feb 2018
The Ideal Personality of a Muslim | Some Personality Traits of Muslim Style
The ideal Muslim character is unmistakable and adjusted. The Muslim is the encapsulation of the lessons of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).He takes after the lessons of the Book of Allah and the case of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in all issues, relations, and circumstances that is beginning with
09 Jan 2018
Justice in Islam | Perspective from Quran and Sunnah

Justice refers to equality in giving rights and in enduring by obligations without discriminations for any reason, either for religion, race or color. As we know Islam comes from the word “Salam” meaning “Peace” and, since the religion, Islam is based on total submission to the will of Lord. We Muslims believe that we can
22 Dec 2017
Importance and Benefits of Marriage according to Islam

Allah Almighty created men and women as company for one another, and so that they can become parents and live in peace and calmness according to the commandments of Allah Almighty. Allah says in Holy Quran: “And among His signs is this that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell
14 Dec 2017
Importance of Bait Al Muqaddas, Al Aqsa and Jerusalem for the Muslims

What is Jerusalem? Jerusalem is known as the Holy Land that is located between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. It is located in Palestine but Israel also controlled some of its areas because they want to make Bait Al Muqaddas and Jerusalem their capital. On 29 November 1947, the General Assembly, in an
08 Dec 2017
Women Veiling: Social and Scientific Benefits of Wearing Hijab

Hijab women veiling represents a woman’s submission to her Creator and her connection with the faith. Hijab is a symbol, but in reality, it is much more than that. Hijab or women veiling is a religious obligation, which a woman has to commence. When a Muslim woman wears Hijab she is obeying and submitting to Allah.
05 Dec 2017
Islam and Peace- Hadith on Importance of Peace

Islam is the religion of peace. Over billions of people around the world are followers of Islam. There can be no greater argument supporting Islam as a religion of peace than the name of the religion itself. ‘Islam’ literally means peace, therefore, it seems quite unnatural that a religion that names itself peace can teach
24 Nov 2017
Islamic Way of Life- Key Principles of Life According to Islam

“Islam” is an Arabic word that means “peace through the submission to Lord”. We as a Muslim submit ourselves in front of Almighty Allah. Islam is the religion of over one billion people in the world. It is the religion and complete way of life. Islam gives us key principles of how to live life
16 Oct 2017
The Meaning of Surah al-Fatiha

Quran is the last book from the Holy books which Allah SWT revealed on His Prophets. Quran is revealed on last Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Quran is a book whose topic is the man. We can say that Quran is the final source of guidance for believers who accepted Islam. We have 30 chapters in the