Islam and Muslims Archive
03 Apr 2018
Importance of Saying Salaam | Benefits of “As-Salaamu Alaikum”

“Salaam” is an Arabic word; its literal meaning is ‘peace’. It also used for harmlessness, benefit, and protection from the evils. Salam is a name of Allah Almighty its meaning is “May the blessing of His name descend upon you.” Hence when someone greets Salaam to another it is as if he/she is saying to
02 Apr 2018
Definition of Backbiting (Gheebah) in Islam- Punishment in Quran and Hadith

Islam teaches us and emphasized on to give respect other Muslims honor. One of the major sins is a Muslim utters a word how he describes his Muslim brother in a negative way it could be explicitly or implicitly. Gheebah or Backbiting is basically to talk about your Muslim fellow in such a manner that he/she
30 Mar 2018
Dress Code for Muslims: Modesty for Men and Hijab for Women

Islam is a complete code of life, each and every aspect of religion Islam is designed by our Creator to lead happy and healthy communities by easing the path to eternal happiness in Paradise forever. In religion, Islam Quran and Sunnah have laid down some principles regarding the dress code of both males and females.
29 Mar 2018
Concept of Heaven and Hell according to Islam

Muslims believe in death and eternal life which comes after death. For leading a good life what actions and qualities are desirable, what impact will be in our hereafter life due to our actions and deeds in this life, we should know about the concept of heaven and hell. We Muslims believe on Judgment Day
28 Mar 2018
Essential Tips to Change Bad Habits | The Habit Change Cheat sheet

What we repeatedly do in our daily life routine is known as habits. Our daily lives are usually a set of habits which we do throughout the day. We have all kinds of habits some are good and some are bad. We don’t realize earlier about bad habits when we realized about them it’s been
27 Mar 2018
Islam and Neighborhood | According to Quran and Hadith

Being a Muslim we believe that all humankind is descended from Adam and Eve so we all are brothers and sisters. No one is superior to other except “Taqwa “piety or God fearing. We all depend on each other in this world to make a society. It enjoins that neighbors should establish social relations in
26 Mar 2018
Rights of Husband upon the Wife in Islam | According to Quran and Sunnah

In Islam marriage being an obligatory act is so important that it is declared to be one half of single Muslim’s faith. Marriage is one of the most liked Sunnah in Islam as our beloved Prophet (SAW) also married and encouraged others to do so. There are many verses in Holy Quran related to the importance
22 Mar 2018
Basic Rights of Wives in Islam | According to Quran and Hadith

Islam is the complete code of life. According to Islam family makes up the society. The family is formed of man and woman and it is extended by producing children. After getting married it’s the responsibility of the husband to take care of his wife in all aspects. Every Muslim must realize that one’s spouse
21 Mar 2018
How does a Muslim get to Heaven? | Major ways of Getting to Jannah

Being a Muslim it is our belief that we have to die one day and our final destination is the life of the hereafter. In the hereafter, we go to Jannah (Paradise) or Jahannam (Hell-fire) depends upon the deeds that we did in worldly life. Jannah or heaven is the hope of every Muslim all
16 Mar 2018
Rights of Relatives in Islam | According to Quran and Hadith

Islam is a complete code of life. Religion Islam emphasizes on keeping good relationships with family, relatives, and friends. Being a Muslim it is obligatory for you to keep good relation with relatives. According to saying of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), we should visit our relatives, inquire about their matters, spend on them and give them