Islam and Muslims Archive
04 May 2018
What is Shirk in Islam? Acts of Shirk that we Don’t realize we are Committing

Shirk means associating someone with Allah Almighty or you can say partnership. It is the opposite of oneness of Allah (SWT) that is Tawheed. The Quran calls people to accept the oneness of Allah Almighty and firmly prohibits people from associating partners with His personality or attributes. In Holy Quran, Allah Almighty stated that Shirk is
03 May 2018
Some Important Duas from Holy Quran- Every Muslim Should Know

Dua is a form of worship and also one of the simplest forms to connect with Allah Almighty. For seeking Allah’s (SWT) blessings we should make Dua. Although prayer is the fundamental form of worship Dua is also a form of worship that we can make anywhere anytime. Islam encourages believers to indulge in different
02 May 2018
Rewards and Benefits of Reciting Surah Ikhlas

While every single word of Quran is poetic and a miracle in itself, yet, there are different parts of the Quran that are more reverend and more respected across the Muslim world. This preference and greater respect are not to be mistaken for the personal liking of the Muslims, rather there is evidence from hadith
30 Apr 2018
Things that Every Muslim should know about the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the last prophet of Allah Almighty. Holy Quran is the last book of Allah (SWT) revealed on Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is considered one of the most influential men in the history. Muhammad (SAW) was born in 570 C.E. in Mecca. He (SAW) was orphaned at a young
26 Apr 2018
Some Reasons due to which our Duas are not being Fulfilled

Dua is supplication, which means communicating with a deity, comes closer than invocation. It is an important part of our faith and belief. We ask from Almighty Allah for everything that we want in our life no matter its how big or small. Dua is a mean of keeping in touch with Allah (SWT). Due
25 Apr 2018
Significance of the 15th of Shaban in Islam

Shaban is the 8th month of the Islamic calendar considered one of the praiseworthy months. We find particular instructions in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) related to this virtuous month. It is reported that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to fast most in Shaban except the last few days of the month. The blessed companion Usama ibn
24 Apr 2018
Every Muslim Parent Should Perform these Sunnahs after the Birth of Their Child

Children are a source of delight and an embellishment for the world granted by Allah to the parents. Children give strength to the hearts, joy to the souls and pleasure to the eyes. Indeed Islam has surely exalted the status of children and has laid down manners for their treatment relating to all their affairs and each
23 Apr 2018
The Deeds that can save Every Muslim from Hellfire

According to Islam, this worldly life in which we are living is not eternal. Being a Muslim it is our belief that this life is temporary as in Holy Quran Allah Almighty says that man is placed here only temporarily. So we should remember that the eternal life will be in hereafter which will be
20 Apr 2018
Actions Forbidden in Islam | Strictly Haram Things According to Islam

Islam is a complete code of life in which Allah (SWT) mentioned all things which are forbidden and permitted. Those things which are forbidden by Allah (SWT) are known as Haram things that we are not allowed to do. These Haram actions come in major sins that Allah Almighty strictly forbade us from doing them
19 Apr 2018
Concept of Halal and Haram related to Food and Drink in Islam

Islam is the religion of all times, places and for the whole mankind. It is a perfect system of physical values. By practicing its laws Muslims all over the world not only attain spirituality but the greatest of all other glories and gain the wealth of health. In religion, Islam Allah Almighty described Halal and