Islam and Muslims Archive
16 Jul 2018
Concept of Adoption in Islam | Nature and Islamic Rules from Quran

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) himself was raised by His grandfather and his paternal uncle after He was orphaned as a young child. Later, Prophet (PBUH) also became an adoptive father Himself. The concept of Adoption exists in religion Islam but remember one thing that according to Shariah there is no concept of legal adoption
12 Jul 2018
Importance of Zakat the Compulsory Charity-Third Pillar of Islam

Zakat is an Arabic word which means “purification”. Allah Almighty mentioned in the Quran: “Take from their wealth so that you might purify and sanctify them” (Quran 9:103). Zakat is the third pillar of Islam and compulsory on every financially stable Muslim that is wealthy enough to afford to it. Zakat is basically the compulsory
11 Jul 2018
Foods Recommended by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and their Benefits

Allah Almighty granted many blessings to human beings in which the basic necessities of life food, water, shelter and many other natural things included. Among all these basic necessities of life food is the utmost physiological requirement of every living being in this world. Such favors from Almighty Allah require one should be thankful for
10 Jul 2018
Way of Life According to Teachings of Quranic Verses

The Noble Quran is the 4th sacred book of Allah Almighty which provides the complete code for the Muslims to live a good, subdued, abundant and rewarding life. Quran is the book of guidance for all mankind following it is the obedience to the commandments of Allah in this life and to gain salvation in
09 Jul 2018
Drinking Alcohol is the Greatest Sin in Islam | Punishment for Consumer of Alcohol

Khamr is the word used for Alcoholic drinks in the Holy Quran. In religion Islam, anything that is harmful to human beings and society is forbidden. Alcohol is indeed harmful and negatively affects the mind and the body. Therefore, Islam takes the determined stand towards alcohol and forbids its consumption in either small or large quantities.
05 Jul 2018
Importance of Manners in Islam – According to Quran and Sunnah

Manners are a way of doing something or way of behavior, etiquette or it could be a person’s outward way of behaving toward others. The issue of good manners is very important In Islam; it is the basis of one’s success in his daily life through which someone could make a distinctive place in the
04 Jul 2018
Arrogance in Islam | Effects of Arrogance (Pride) on the soul

Arrogance or Pride is the blamable characteristic of a person that Allah Almighty disliked the most. Arrogance is the feature of Iblees and his followers in this world. We all know that the first one who showed arrogance towards Allah (SWT) and His creation was the Iblees. When Allah Almighty commanded Iblees to prostrate to
03 Jul 2018
Life Lessons we can learn from Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the last Messenger of Allah Almighty on which the last sacred book Noble Quran revealed. Being a Prophet and Messenger of Allah (SWT), He (SAW) delivered the message of Allah Almighty, explained it and applied it to Himself and on His family. Muhammad (SAW) is the human being of excellent
02 Jul 2018
Anger is the Disease of Soul | Powerful Tips to Avoid Anger in Islam

Anger is the temptation of Shaytaan and also a root of all evils; it can weaken the person’s faith. Anger is a natural feeling experienced by every person caused due to displeasure and annoyance. Despite the fact it is natural, anger can have serious consequences for us as well as the people around us. According
28 Jun 2018
Some Major Qualities of True Believers in Islam

When someone accepts Islam he/she became a Muslim. According to Islamic point of view, a true Muslim is known to be a Mumin. Both Mumin and Muslim are somehow likely terms but a little bit different like Muslim is a person who embraces Islam by saying Kalima Tayyaba and with a devoted belief that Allah