Islam and Muslims Archive
03 Dec 2018
Importance and Benefits of Asr Prayer

Salah is the 2nd pillar of Islam and one of the most emphasized upon elements in the Quran. Allah Almighty stressed upon Muslims to offer their prayers regularly five times a day. The first is Fajr prayer, then Zuhr, then Asr, then Maghrib and finally Isha prayer. Moreover, there are abundant hadiths of Prophet Muhammad
30 Nov 2018
The Importance and Benefits of Reciting Surah Baqarah

Surah Baqarah is the 2nd Surah of Holy Quran which is the largest in length consists of 286 verses, considered the longest Surah of Quran. Surah Baqarah was revealed in Medina on Prophet Muhammad (SAW), so, it is a Madni Surah. Holy Quran is composed of different chapters all of them are the miraculous and
28 Nov 2018
How to Memorize Quran – Simple Tips and Techniques

Holy Quran is the heavenly book of Allah (SWT) revealed on last Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The Noble Quran is the 4th sacred book, the greatest gift of Allah Almighty to mankind. The Holy Quran is a form of guidance for all mankind and its generations to come till the Day of Judgment. By developing an
26 Nov 2018
Types of Patience (Sabr) in Islam

Life is full of trials that an individual must face with patience. Patience is basically when a person restrains himself from being fearful during hard times. In the Arabic language, (Sabr) Patience means to confine or contain. Patience is to keep ourselves on the right track, constantly remind ourselves of what others have been through.
22 Nov 2018
Islamic Funeral: Importance, Etiquettes, Rites and Traditions

Muslim believes that death is the return of the soul to his Creator Allah Almighty, the cause of death and the Hereafter is never far from his consciousness. In religion Islam, the concept of death and the afterlife is derived from the Holy Quran the final sacred book of Almighty Allah. In the Noble Quran Allah
19 Nov 2018
8 Types of People who can accept Zakat

Zakat is an Arabic word means “purification”. Zakat is the third pillar of Islam and compulsory on every financially stable Muslim that is wealthy enough to afford to it. In religion, Islam charity holds so much importance that it is an obligation on Muslims in the form of Zakat. All eligible individuals are required to pay an
16 Nov 2018
Major Sins in Islam

In Islam, a sin is defined as “any act a person chooses to take that is against the commands of Allah”. When a person commits sin even once, it is like a black dot is placed on his heart. Allah Almighty mentioned in the Holy Quran: “No! Rather, the stain has covered their hearts of that
14 Nov 2018
Some Ways to Take Control of Sins

Making mistakes or committing sins is a part of human nature. Being a Muslim it is our duty to stay away from committing sins in the light of Islam. Surely, man is weak but it is Allah (SWT) Who created us and He knows that we are weak. So out of His Mercy, The Most
12 Nov 2018
Reasons to Avoid Sins in Islam

Sin can be something that can erase all good deeds a man did in his entire life in just a glance. Every one of us should be aware of this. Being a Muslim we must have knowledge of good and bad deeds. There is a very thin line to shift from good to bad things
07 Nov 2018
The Social System of Islam

Islam is the religion that promotes peace, love, and respect among Muslims and also with the people of other religions. The society in which Muslims live is known as an Islamic society. Islamic society is the one whose members have “Iman” (faith) in Islam, apply its laws in their life and performing religious duties and