Islam and Muslims Archive
03 Jan 2019
Quranic Verses and Hadiths about the Devotion to Parents in Islam

Religion Islam commands us to honor our parents, to obey them, to respect their opinion, and be kind to them. Allah Almighty says in the Noble Quran: “Worship Allah and join none with Him in worship, and do good to parents” (Quran, 4:36). Parents are the ones who have been with us through almost everything
01 Jan 2019
Hadiths about the Prevailing Signs of the Age of Fitnah

The word Fitnah comes from an Arabic which means to “test or trials”. Fitnah includes the things which are not accepted in religion Islam and are worldly. A person is more likely to fall under its trap but a true Muslim never will. Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stated in His hadith about the ending time of life
28 Dec 2018
Some of the Bounties of Allah Almighty for the Believers in Paradise

Being a Muslim it is our belief this life is temporary and all of us should go back to the Allah Almighty after death. The life after death is permanent also known to be the afterlife. Allah Almighty gives us so many blessings in our daily lives that we can’t even count. We should be
26 Dec 2018
Physical or Health Benefits of Namaz (Salat)

Salat (Namaz) is the 2nd pillar of Islam. Salah is the spiritual activity performed by Muslims five times a day for the sake of Allah Almighty. The most beloved act of worship by Allah (SWT) is the Salah. It is considered the most commonly performed ritual act to attain closeness to Allah Almighty. It is
20 Dec 2018
Cursing is Prohibited in Islam | Punishment for Cursing in Quran and Hadith

Islam is a religion of peace, love, and mercy. Allah Almighty and His Messenger Prophet Muhammad (SAW) teach us to be kind, loving and merciful with Muslim brothers and also with Non-Muslims. So we can say the religion that asks its members to greet one another with love, peace, mercy, and blessings, does not allow
19 Dec 2018
One Should Say “Alhamdulillah”After Sneezing | Medically Proven Reasons

Sneezing is a reflex mechanism to get rid of dust particles, smoke or allergens in the nose which is irritating. Sneezing is a miracle of Allah Almighty which we see every day. Sneezing is a natural mechanism also mercy and grace of Allah (SWT). It relieves us from discomfort, and we should thank Allah Almighty for
18 Dec 2018
Short and Impactful Duas to Deal with Depression, Stress and Sadness

Depression is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel the way you think and how you act. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease a person’s ability to function
10 Dec 2018
Halal and Haram Food in the Quran and Hadith

Religion Islam is a perfect system of physical and spiritual values. By practicing these laws Muslims not only attain spirituality but the greatest of all other glories and gain the wealth of health. Allah Almighty has created man in a way that whatever he eats and drinks effects his soul, mind, and body. Therefore, Allah
07 Dec 2018
Benefits and Blessings of 5 Times Prayers in Islam

Salah is obligatory on every Muslim five times a day. 5 times prayers in Islam are Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. There is great significance in offering salah daily because prayer creates a link between a man and the Creator of this universe. For Muslims, praying is not a regulation instead it is a
05 Dec 2018
Health Benefits of Ablution (Wudu) Which have been Proven Scientifically

Cleanliness or purity is the part of faith in religion Islam, that’s why Islam puts so much stress on being clean. The purification of body strengthens our soul, which ultimately brings us closer to Allah Almighty. Wudu (Ablution) is the state of purity that every Muslim must do five times a day before start offering