Islam and Muslims Archive
08 Feb 2019
The Sunnah of Good Health | Tips for Healthy Life from Islamic Teachings

Islam is the religion of all times and places and a perfect system of secular values. Muslims all over the world not only attain spirituality but the height of all other glories with the wealth of health by practicing Islamic laws. The Islamic teachings do not guide just the spiritual development of its followers, but
04 Feb 2019
Status of Mothers in Islam According to Quran and Hadith

Mothers are held in very high esteem in religion Islam. Islam gives mothers a status greater than that can be found in any other religion in the world. Mother is a blessing and a gift from Almighty Allah. The first word a baby utters is Mother in love and calls out loud no matter it is
30 Jan 2019
Conditions of “Laa Ilaaha Illa-Allah” (Tawheed) – لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا اللهُ

Tawheed is worshiping the Almighty Lord alone, and consider no one else worthy to His Greatness. Tawheed is known as “Shahadah” which is an Arabic word comes from the root word “Shahida”, means “to witness or confirm”. It is the fundamental basis of the Islamic doctrine. It includes believing in One Allah and Hazrat Muhammad
28 Jan 2019
7 Common Distractions of Khushoo Faced in Salah

Muslims daily offer five times obligatory prayers. Khushoo is one of the most important and often neglected parts of the prayer. Allah Almighty says in the Noble Quran: “Certainly will the believers have succeeded: They who are during their prayer Khashi’un.” (Quran, 23:1-2) ‘Khushoo’ is an Arabic word used to refer to humbleness while offering Namaz (Salah).
24 Jan 2019
Types of Sunnah (Optional) Prayers in Islam

Sunnah and Nafil (optional) prayers are acts of worship that are not obligatory but which performed either regularly or occasionally by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). There are different categories of Sunnah optional prayers that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) observed regularly and strongly encouraged His followers to do likewise. Sunnah prayers are performed similarly to the
21 Jan 2019
Lessons from Surah Rahman with Blessings- The Beauty of Quran

Surah Rahman is one of the important and sacred Surah of the Holy Quran that specifies various blessings of Allah Almighty that He has bestowed upon the human kind. Surah Rahman is considered “the Beauty of Quran.” Surah Rahman is the 55th Surah of Quran having 78 verses. The Surah entails the innumerable favors of
15 Jan 2019
Importance and Benefits of Salat-ul-Ishraq

Salah is the second pillar of Islam. It is obligatory on every Muslim to perform five daily prayers regularly on their specified times. Besides five obligatory prayers, there are some Nafil (optional) prayers upon which there is a great reward from Almighty Allah if someone offers them. Salat-ul-Ishraq is one of the optional prayers that
11 Jan 2019
Etiquettes of Drinking Water According to Islamic Sunnah

Sunnah is the way of life prescribed by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) for Muslims in order to live a better life. Sunnah is based on the teachings of Islam and interpretations of the Quran that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) practiced in His life. It is necessary for all Muslims around the world to follow the
09 Jan 2019
Importance of Khushu in Prayer | Steps to achieve Khushu in Salah

Muslims offer Salah five times a day. Salah is the 2nd most important pillar of Islam which is obligatory on every Muslim. We should offer Salah with “Khushu” in order to gain the actual reward and more blessings from Almighty Allah. Khushu is an Arabic word used to refer to humbleness, submissiveness, and gentleness within heart
07 Jan 2019
Common Mistakes that we make during Jummah Prayer

Friday is considered the sacred day among Muslims. Jummah prayer is to be offered in the mosques, in the congregation by Muslims on every Friday. Jummah (Friday) prayers hold special importance for the Muslims because during Friday prayer worshippers at the mosques gets double than usual prayers. There are many virtuous associated with Friday prayer