Islam and Muslims Archive
01 Apr 2019
Significance of the Month of Shaban-The Month of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

The Holy Month of Shaban is the 8th month of Islamic calendar and is one of the fourth sacred months for which we find particular instructions in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Shaban is the 2nd month of worship in command to make arrangements for the blessed and magnificent month of Ramadan. The Muslims have
29 Mar 2019
How to Perform Salat ul Hajat | The Prayer of Need

Muslims are obligated to perform prayers five times a day. Apart from compulsory Namaz, there is great importance of Nawafil prayers, which are a means to gain something extra include Salatul Istikhara and Tahajjud and Salatul Hajat, etc. It is said that requests made to the Creator of this universe on some special occasions are never
27 Mar 2019
Stages of Life in Islam

Islam is the religion of peace those who embrace Islam are known as Muslims. Holy Quran is the book of Almighty Allah for the guidance of mankind, revealed on the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Religion Islam is based on five pillars: Tawheed Zakat Salah Fasting Hajj These five pillars are the life of Muslims and
25 Mar 2019
Inspirational and Motivational Verses from the Holy Quran
Holy Quran is the book of Almighty Allah revealed on our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Noble Quran is the book of guidance for all mankind. There are 114 chapters (Surahs) in the Holy Quran. Each and every letter, word, and verse of the Holy Quran contain a beautiful message or lesson for us from
22 Mar 2019
Significance of the Night of 27th Rajab in Islam

Rajab is the seventh month of the Islamic calendar and one of the four sacred months. The holy month of Rajab marks the beginning of the spiritual season of every believer ending with the end of the fasting month of Ramadan with the Eid-ul-Fitr. The three holy months Rajab, Shaban, and Ramadan are unmatched in
20 Mar 2019
Significance of Fajr Prayer | Benefits According to Quran and Hadith

Salah is the 2nd pillar of Islam. Offering salah five times a day is obligatory on every Muslim. Salah (Nimaz) differentiate Muslims from people of other beliefs and most importantly it is a means of invoking Allah (SWT) and seeking His pleasure. In Holy Quran, Allah Almighty says: “Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds
18 Mar 2019
The Concept of Ummah in Islam-Characteristics of Muslim Ummah

Ummah is an Arabic word that is usually translated into English as a nation. In religion, Islam Ummah refers to the Islamic community. The definition of Ummah is a community of believers bound together with a common purpose, that is to worship Lord and with a common goal to advance the cause of Islam. To
15 Mar 2019
Recommended Acts or Deeds of the Month of Rajab

The Holy Month of Rajab marks the beginning of the spiritual season of every believer which ends with the fasting month of Ramadan and the Eid-ul-Fitr. The sacred months are unmatched in their importance. We should praise to the Almighty Allah and thanks to Him for granting us an opportunity to cleanse ourselves of our sins and
13 Mar 2019
Signs of Allah’s Forgiveness

Making mistakes and discouraging are undoubtedly part of human nature and no one will be free of shortcomings in his obedience to Almighty Allah, or free of mistakes or sins. All of us fall short, commit sins, and make mistakes in our life as it is part of human nature. But, after the realization that
11 Mar 2019
Significance of Shab-e-Miraj (Isra Night) in Islam

Shab-e-Miraj or Isra Night observed in the Holy Month of Rajab by Muslims all over the world. Every year on the night of 26thof Rajab according to the Islamic calendar, Muslims observe Shab-e-Miraj (Isra Night) in which the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went on a special journey to meet the Creator of this Universe Allah