Islam and Muslims Archive
30 Sep 2019
Benefits of Reciting Surah Al-Asr

Surah Al-Asr is one of the earliest Chapters of Quran Majeed, which was revealed in Makkah, and is also the second shortest Section of Furqan e Hameed after Surah Al-Kawthar. Despite having just three verses, it is considered to be the essence of the entire Holy Quran, as it is a tremendous means of salvation.
27 Sep 2019
Showing Off the Sin of Riya in Islam- Types of Riya

Riya is showing off a good characteristic, deed or manners with the only intention of getting a positive response or praise from the people. Religion Islam stressed that one should enthusiastically go for performing noble actions without any delay as there might be a lack of willingness with the passage of time for one reason or
25 Sep 2019
Reasons Why We Should Read the Holy Quran

The Holy Quran is the 4th and last sacred book of Almighty Allah revealed on our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Holy Quran is the book of guidance for all mankind till the Day of Judgment. Muslims needs to practice the teachings of the Holy Quran in their lives. Muslims need to understand the Holy
23 Sep 2019
Things to Remember When Going Through Hardships

Difficult times are part of Allah’s law in this universe. Every difficulty comes from Allah Almighty He (SWT) tests the believers in times of hardships. Difficulties or hardships are part of tests that people go through. Sometimes difficulty becomes the source of learning we can also say a purification from sins and mistakes. Tough times
20 Sep 2019
Shirk the Unforgivable Sin in Islam

Being a human, it is common to do mistakes or sins, for it is the way of life. Almighty Allah has created us imperfect. Human beings are created in this worldly life to worship Allah (SWT) and to obey His teachings. Allah Almighty has put human beings in trials to resist Shaytan’s whispers and suggestions,
18 Sep 2019
Power of Dua in Islam-Importance of Dua According to Quran and Hadith

Dua means supplication, communication with deity. Dua is an incredible power so that many of us sometimes don’t fully know about it. If we know the power of Dua then we would do whatever is necessary to get our Duas answered. Sometimes our Duas are answered immediately and sometimes they take much longer than we
16 Sep 2019
The life in the Hereafter-Quranic Verses about the Day of Judgment

One of the basic Islamic belief is the fact that Muslims believe in the world hereafter. One cannot be a Muslim until and unless he/she believes in the world hereafter from a true heart. Moreover, in addition to the life in the hereafter, a Muslim has to believe in the judgment day as well, the
13 Sep 2019
Importance of Quran Recitation with Understanding

The Holy Quran is the last heavenly book of Allah Almighty which was revealed on our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The language of this holy book is in Arabic. Muslims recite the Quran in their prayers and also recite it other than prayers. As we all know that the sacred book of Quran is full
12 Sep 2019
Virtues and Blessings of the Month of Muharram

Muharram is the first month with which the Muslims begin their lunar Hijrah Calendar. It is one of the four sanctified months mentioned in the Holy Quran. Muharram is also known as “the month of Allah” in which divine blessings, dignity, and generosity increases and become abundant. Muharram is one of the months that has mentioned
04 Sep 2019
Ikhlas in Islam-Sincerity According to Quran and Sunnah

Ikhlas means sincerity, purity or solitude. In religion Islam, it denotes purifying our feelings and intentions to get closer and seek the pleasure of Allah Almighty. Ikhlas or sincerity is a fundamental concept in Islam. We must have sincerity in our every action and deeds, every action that we performed should be solely for Allah’s sake. If