Islam and Muslims Archive
29 Nov 2019
The Virtues and Sunnah’s of Friday- Hadiths for the Day of Jummah

Friday is considered the blessed day of the week for Muslims in Islam. Friday is the most significant day of the week because Muslims gather for prayer in the congregation on the day of Friday. Before performing the Friday prayer, Muslims listen to a lecture (Friday sermon) which is designed to permit them with important
27 Nov 2019
Quranic Verses for Peace and Tolerance | Islam is a Religion of Peace

Islam is a religion of peace, love, security, and prosperity. The Holy Quran also emphasized peace and tolerance in many verses of the Quran. According to the Quran, the religion Islam teaches love and compassion for every human being, no matter what’s their religion is. Allah Almighty says in Noble Quran about peace in these
25 Nov 2019
Purification is Half of Faith – Quran and Hadith on Cleanliness

Religion Islam greatly emphasis both physical and spiritual cleanliness and purification that’s why Muslims throughout the world have extremely high standards of personal hygiene. Other than Muslims generally all humankind considers cleanliness to be a pleasing attribute that every human must possess but Islam insists on purification. Muslims are required to take care of their
21 Nov 2019
Anger Management in the light of Quran and Sunnah

Anger is a natural feeling it can have negative effects on those who allow it to control them, and conflicting effects on those around them. In religion Islam, Anger is the temptation of Shaytaan and also a root of all evils; it can weaken the person’s faith. According to the narration of Abu Hurairah (RA),
19 Nov 2019
Smiling is a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Smiling has a magical effect on others. Almighty Allah created mankind with an innate inclination to love those who are friendly. A person who meets others with a smile drives away the daily life tension, anxiety and troubles. Islam is not only the religion it teaches us the complete code of life. It teaches us
16 Nov 2019
Get Continuous Rewards After Passing Away: Things that Benefit the Dead

Everything in this world has an end. Death is an undeniable fact. This is the temporary world and we have to return to the Almighty Allah someday. As mentioned in Holy Quran: “Every soul shall taste death” as we see in our life many of our relatives and friends passed away in front of us
14 Nov 2019
Story of Prophet Nuh (AS)
Prophet Nuh (AS) was the Prophet sent from Allah Almighty. Allah (SWT) has dedicated a whole surah (Surah Nuh) to him in the Holy Quran. Allah Almighty praised Nuh (AS) in the Quran as: “Grateful Servant of God” and “True Messenger of God”. Patient, Nuh (AS) told his people not to worship anyone except Allah
12 Nov 2019
How to Deal with Negative Emotions in Islam

Human beings have different emotions, spiritual and physical needs. Different people have different emotions so there is also a variety of behavior in people. Islam respects all the different components of human beings equally. Islam teaches us to be moderate in everything thus we can create an equilibrium. The creator of this universe, Almighty Allah
08 Nov 2019
Some Ways to Implement the Quran in Daily Life Routine

Reciting the Holy Quran is one thing and the implementation of its teachings in daily life routine is another thing which is also important. Implementation of the teachings of the Holy Quran in daily life requires its proper understanding. The Holy Quran is not merely a collection of rulings or facts but also focuses on
06 Nov 2019
Qualities of True Believer According to the Quran and Hadith

Muslim is a person who embraces Islam by saying Kalima Tayyaba and with a devoted belief that Allah is One, there’s no God except Him and Prophet Mohammed (SAW) is His last Messenger. The believer is the one who has knowledge of faith that invades deeply into his mind, heart, and soul. Being a Muslim