Islam and Muslims Archive
07 Apr 2020
5 Important “Historic Events” of Sha’ban-Brief Introduction
Shaban is the 8th month of the Islamic calendar. Shaban is also known as the month of “Separation” (pagan Arabs used to disperse in search of water in this month). It is also the last lunar month before the Holy month of RAMZAN. Islamic world start necessary preparation to welcome the month of fasting. A
18 Mar 2020
Shab e-Meraj (Isra Night) – 27th of Rajab -Significance in Islam

Shab e Miraj is also famous for the names like Isra and Miraj, Isra’wal Miraj and sometimes Waqia e Miraj as well. It is the 27th day of the month of Rajab in the Islamic calendar. Allah SWT (God) took Prophet Muhammad SAW (spelled as Muhammad or Mohamed sometimes) on a famous journey from blessed
16 Mar 2020
Ruqayyah bint Al-Husayn – A Short Biography Of Her Birth Aniversary In Rajab

Ruqayyah bint Al-Husayn was the daughter of Husayn ibn Ali and Rbab bint Imra Al Qais. The birth date of Ruqayyah bint Al-Husayn is 20th of Rajab. Brothers Ali Zaynul Abidin Ali Al-Akbar Ali Al-Asghar Sisters Fatimah AS-Sughra Fatimah Al-Kubra (Known as Sakinah as well) Life Journey Of Ruqayyah Bint Al-Hussayn Ruqayyah Bint Al-Hussayn went
10 Mar 2020
Imam Ali (RA)-Birth Aniversary In The Month Of Rajab

Biography of Imam Ali RA- Early Life The Birth of Imam Ali RA-the 4th caliph of Islam is the key event of the month of Rajab. In today’s blog post let us briefly discuss the biography and a few events from the tremendous life of Imam Ali RA. Ali Ibn Abi Talib’s (عَلِيّ ٱبْن أَبِي
05 Mar 2020
Shab e Miraj (Waqia Miraj) in the Light of Surah Al Isra-27th of Rajab

Isra and Miraj are the two phases of a single night’s journey. It was the year of 621 when by the grace of Almighty Allah, Prophet SAW traveled to Masjid al Aqsa in Jerusalem(Al-Quds) and then to Miraj. It is written in Islamic Scriptures that the horse on which prophet SAW traveled was winged White
02 Mar 2020
Rajab 5th-Migration Of Muslims To Habsha

Rajab is one of the holy months in Islam, there are well-known events took place during this month, you may read about the great Battle of Tabuk, and about Rajab in general in other blog posts here as well. The current discussion is about the Muslim’s migration to Habsha in the 5th of Rajab. So
28 Feb 2020
Rajab The Month For The Great Battle Of Tabuk
Rajab is famous for its remarkable events and also, it is one of the holy months in Islam. In today’s topic let us talk about the major event in the holy month of Rajab, which has much importance and a place in Islamic History. It is the well-known Battle of Tabuk. Let’s have a brief
26 Feb 2020
7th Holy Month In Hijri Calendar: Rajab

An overview Rajab is the 7th month of Hijri calendar It’s meaning is to respect and also to remove. One of the 4 most sacred months in Islam, others are Dhul-Qa’da, Dhul-Hajj, Al-Muharram Month of Miraj The month of the birth of Asad Ullah-Hazrat e Ali Al Murtaza RA It was a sacred month and
24 Feb 2020
How Much The Repentance (Contrition) is Important In Deen e Islam

Repentance is one of the major things in Islam and has a very vital position in Deen. For the Muslims, it is a major gateway to correct themselves for the wrongdoings they commit in their lives, consciously or unconsciously. Our confidence here and there weakens and we become overpowered by our wants. The Shaytaan makes
21 Feb 2020
Short Story About Iblis-Shaitan

In Islam, the Devil is known as ʾIblīs (Arabic: إبليس, plural: ابالسة ʾAbālisa) or Shayṭān (Arabic: شيطان, plural: شياطين Shayāṭīn). As indicated by the Quran, God made Iblis out of “smokeless fire or from the unadulterated fire of fire” (alongside the entirety of the other jinn) and made man out of mud. The essential trait