Hajj Archive
06 Jul 2021
Significance of Fasting in the Month of Zil Hajj

The month of Dhul-Hijjah is known as the month of the Pilgrimage. It is recommended to fast the first 9 days of the month specifically, on the 9th day (the Day of Arafah), it is more emphasized to fast on this day. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) says that: “Fasting on this day can expiates your sins from
30 Jun 2021
Virtues of Dhul Hijjah- Things to do in 1st 10 Days of Zil Hajj

The month of the Dhul Hijjah is one of the most important months in Islam. This is the month of Eid al-Adha and the month of Hajj. Dhul Hajj is the last month of Islamic calendar which reminds us of the sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and His son Hazrat Ismail (AS). In this holy
28 Jun 2021
Significance of Hajj (Pilgrimage) in Quran & Sunnah- The Fifth Pillar of Islam

Hajj is an Arabic word which means “to intend a journey”. Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam, which every Muslim must perform at least once in his or her lifetime provided, they are financially and physically able to do so. All Muslim’s willingly visit this sacred place because ALLAH has given this place a
18 Jun 2021
Significance for the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah

Zil Hajj is the 12th month of Islamic calendar. This holy month has significance due to Pilgrimage that all Muslims around the world who are financially stable perform every year in Makah the city of Saudi Arabia. The Pilgrimage rites occur on 8th to 12th Dhul Hijjah. According to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the first 10 days
15 Jun 2021
Masnoon Acts for the Month of Dhul Hijjah

Dhul Hijjah is the 12th month of the Islamic calendar. This holy month has importance because of Pilgrimage. According to our cherished Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the primary 10 days of Dhul Hijjah are a unique time for devotion. For folks that aren’t capable of the tour for the pilgrimage, that is a unique time to
22 Jun 2020
5 major events and first ten days of Dhu’l-Qi’dah(Dhul Qadah)

In today’s discussion, we will have a brief overview of the 5 major events of Dhu’l-Qi’dah(Dhul Qadah) and we will see how significant are the first ten days of this holy month. May Allah help us to understand our religion and may Allah SWT make our entire Islamic history a guideline for all of us.
09 Aug 2019
The 7 Steps of Hajj- Hajj Guide for Pilgrims

Hajj is one of the fundamental pillars of Islam and performed in the month of Dhul Hijjah. Hajj is the 5th pillar of Islam which is undertaken by Muslims at least once in their lifetime to express their faith in and obedience towards Allah Almighty. Hajj purifies the sins and the pilgrims become like a
06 Aug 2019
List of Important Places to Visit During Hajj (Pilgrimage)

The Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. Pilgrimage is considered one of the greatest religious duties which are obligatory on every financially stable Muslim. Allah Almighty says in the Noble Quran: “It is on people for the sake of Allah to perform Hajj of his house, anyone who is able to undertake the
12 Jul 2019
Significance and Masnoon Acts for the Month of Zil Hajj

Zil Hajj is the twelfth and final month in the Islamic calendar. It is the month in which the Hajj pilgrimage takes place. The month of Zil hajj is a blessed month specially the first ten days are most important blessed and has great significance in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon
10 Jul 2019
Stages and Step by Step Guide to Hajj

Hajj is an Arabic word which means “to intend a journey”. Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam, which every Muslim must perform at least once in his or her lifetime, provided they are financially and physically able to do so. All Muslim’s willingly visit this sacred place because ALLAH has given this place a