Fasting Archive
06 Jul 2021
Significance of Fasting in the Month of Zil Hajj

The month of Dhul-Hijjah is known as the month of the Pilgrimage. It is recommended to fast the first 9 days of the month specifically, on the 9th day (the Day of Arafah), it is more emphasized to fast on this day. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) says that: “Fasting on this day can expiates your sins from
04 May 2021
Significance of Third Ashra of Ramadan with Daily Supplications

Ramadan is the 9th and one of the most blessed months of Islamic Calendar. The blessed month of Ramadan is observed by Muslims worldwide as an act of fasting to commemorate the revelation of the Quran on Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) as per Islamic dogmas. The ritual of fasting among Muslims redirects the heart away from
30 Apr 2021
Importance of Second Ashra of Ramadan with Daily Duas

The month of blessings Ramadan is divided into three stages (Ashras). Every Ashra of Ramadan has its particular significance associated with it. The second Ashra of Ramadan refers to the middle 10 days (11-20) of Ramadan. It is the time of forgiveness in which Muslims must seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty. With seeking forgiveness Muslims
28 Apr 2021
Significance of Ramadan & Fasting from Quran & Sunnah

Ramadan is the month of countless blessings in which fasting is obligatory on every Muslim. Ramadan is the month that closes us to Allah (SWT) and reveals unto us His clear commandments because this is the month in which Allah revealed the Quran on His last Messenger Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The month of Ramadan holds
26 Apr 2021
Health Benefits of Fasting in Ramadan

Allah Almighty has made fasting obligatory for Muslims in the month of Ramadan. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam. Muslims refrain from eating, drinking and having sexual activity during fasting. Ramadan is the month of blessings. It is one of the favorite times of year of Allah SWT. The devil is locked
23 Apr 2021
Significance of 2nd Ashra of Ramadan

The Holy Month Ramadan is divided into three stages (Ashras). Every Ashra of Ramadan has its particular significance associated with it. The second Ashra of Ramadan refers to the middle 10 days (11th -20th) of Ramadan. It is the time of forgiveness in which Muslims must seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty. In this regard, the second
22 Apr 2021
Benefits of Taraweeh Prayer in Ramadan

Taraweeh prayer is an obligatory Sunnah for all Muslims in Ramadan. According to hadith, Holy Prophet PBUH prayed one night in Mosque and several people followed Him in the mosque. Then He (SAW) prayed next night in mosque again and more people followed Him. Then the people gathered again in mosque on third and fourth
15 Apr 2021
Significance of Taraweeh Prayer in Ramadan

Ramadan is the month of blessings it is the time to start fixing and adjusting our schedule accordingly. In the Holy month of Ramadan, it’s essential for every Muslim to leave every useless, worldly and bad thought behind and only think about Allah Almighty. While we fast and pray, even waiting for iftar is all
13 Apr 2021
Importance of Suhoor in Ramadan

Ramadan is all about fasting and following the commands of Allah Almighty. Fasting is not just abstaining from eating or drinking but to refrain from all inappropriate activities for the sake of Allah (SWT). There are countless opportunities to take advantage of during this holy month and Muslims seek repentance for past sins as well
08 Apr 2021
Some Facts & Traditions about the Holy Month of Ramadan

The Holy Month of Ramadan is much more than a fasting period: it is a holy month rooted in culture, faith and history. Across the globe, Muslims mark this time with spiritual celebrations that are particular to their region and passed on through generations. Ramadan fast is one of the most important beliefs of Islam
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