Author Archive
20 Aug 2019
Ayahs from Quran to Perform Sujood al-Tilaawah

The Holy Quran is the last sacred book of Almighty Allah which revealed on Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The Noble Quran consists of Surahs and Ayahs (verses) in which some verses are known as Ayat-e-Sajdah or verses of prostration. It is obligatory to prostrate at the end either after having recitation or listening to the Ayah.
17 Aug 2019
The Significance, Virtues, & Manners of Adhan (Call to Prayer)

Adhan is an Arabic word which means “to call or inform.” In the religious term, adhan means holy words uttered to inform Muslims about the time of prayer. A person who calls adhan is called a “Muezzin”. Adhan is called five times a day to remind Muslims to offer five obligatory prayers. Adhan is the
09 Aug 2019
The 7 Steps of Hajj- Hajj Guide for Pilgrims

Hajj is one of the fundamental pillars of Islam and performed in the month of Dhul Hijjah. Hajj is the 5th pillar of Islam which is undertaken by Muslims at least once in their lifetime to express their faith in and obedience towards Allah Almighty. Hajj purifies the sins and the pilgrims become like a
06 Aug 2019
List of Important Places to Visit During Hajj (Pilgrimage)

The Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. Pilgrimage is considered one of the greatest religious duties which are obligatory on every financially stable Muslim. Allah Almighty says in the Noble Quran: “It is on people for the sake of Allah to perform Hajj of his house, anyone who is able to undertake the
01 Jul 2019
Importance of Tawakkul & Belief in Dua

Tawakkul means ‘trust and reliance’. Tawakkul is an Islamic word which means Reliance on Allah “trusting in Allah’s Plan”. Tawakkul refers to putting your trust in Allah – to believe that He alone can ward off the harms of this world, provide you blessings and sustenance, and to ease your challenges. Tawakkul in Dua refers to what
28 Jun 2019
Quranic Verses of Healing | Ayat e Ash-Shifa

Quran is not just a religious book but guidance for all mankind. Allah Almighty made it a spiritual cure and healing for all types of diseases. Holy Quran is the book in which you can find a solution to every problem. Being a true believer, one must have complete faith in Allah Almighty that He
26 Jun 2019
Basic Teachings of the Holy Quran

The Holy Quran is the Divine Book and the proof that the Holy Prophet (SAW) is the main source of Islamic laws and education. The Holy Quran consists of the words of the Almighty Allah and the knowledge descended to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) from the source of Glory. The Noble Quran is the 4th
24 Jun 2019
Ways to Keep Muslim Youth More Rewarding & Productive

Youth is the blooming age in the life of every person. It is a time when health, vitality, spirit, and passion all are at their optimal and a person feels that he/she can do everything and whatever they undertake in life they could achieve it. This adrenaline flow and feeling of strength is the best
21 Jun 2019
Quranic Verses that Prove Islam is a Religion of Peace

Islam is a religion of peace, according to the Holy Book Quran, Islam teaches love and compassion for every human being, no matter their religion. The word “Islam” is derived from the word meaning “peace” in Arabic, it seems quite unnatural that a religion that names itself peace can teach or preach something that is
20 Jun 2019
Reasons Why you need to Learn the Arabic Language

The Holy Book Quran is the source of knowledge and faith for all Muslims. The Holy Quran is one of the most influential religious texts of all time because it is not for just Muslims but for all mankind. The Noble Quran marks subjects like wisdom, worship, doctrine, and many more. The Holy Quran includes