Author Archive
22 Jun 2020
5 major events and first ten days of Dhu’l-Qi’dah(Dhul Qadah)

In today’s discussion, we will have a brief overview of the 5 major events of Dhu’l-Qi’dah(Dhul Qadah) and we will see how significant are the first ten days of this holy month. May Allah help us to understand our religion and may Allah SWT make our entire Islamic history a guideline for all of us.
16 Jun 2020
Epidemics, Coronavirus And Islamic Guidelines

Islam is a complete code of life and guides for each walk of life equally. The guidelines set 1400 years ago by Prophet SAW and his companions are mind-boggling. Islamic guidelines were apt at that time and the world should follow those inspirational paths in these hours of epidemic and outbreak. Islamic guidelines over
12 Jun 2020
6 Mustahab Fasts of Shawwal and their significance

Abu Ayub al-Ansari narrated that the Prophet [pbuh] said: “Whoever fasts Ramadan and follows it with six days of Shawwal is as though he has fasted the entire year” [Reported by Muslim in his Sahih]. Al-Shafi’i, Ahmad b. Hanbal, and Ishaq al-Rahawayh hold that is ideal and prescribed to fast six days in the period
08 Jun 2020
The Battle of Uhud (Ghazwa e Uhad) In The Month Of Shawal-A historical Overview With Key Incidents

Quraishites were defeated at Badr and this defeat charged them to take revenge from New Faith presented by Prophet Muhammad SAW. This was unexpected for them and also this was very tough for them to digest what had happened to them as they were proud and considered themselves undefeated. They were unable to leave this
23 May 2020
How To Follow Prophet SAW’s Eid Celebrations-A Complete Guidance

In Today’s Blog post, You will gain the knowledge for How the prophet SAW celebrated His Eid Ahadith e Mubarika related to this Event How Eid is a gift from Allah Almighty How to offer Eid Namaz A message for all of us in this crucial situation Eid Ul Fitr is a very special event.
20 May 2020
Aitakaf In Ramadan-Importance and Benefits

Aitakf in Ramadan is a holy sunnah of our beloved prophet SAW. Some adherents watch Aitakaf for the last ten days of Ramadan and others go for the last 3 days. It is one of the blessed activity performed and followed by the Muslim adherents throughout the globe. Ahadees about Aitakaf or Itikaf Narrated by
18 May 2020
Laylatul Qadr- Search For IT In Last 10 Days of Ramadan

Foreword Ummat e Muhammad SAW was bestowed with Allah SWT’s uncountable blessings. The month of Ramadan and it’s each moment is significant. There is a night in the last 10 days of Ramadan, which is according to the Quran is better than a thousand nights and months. Adherents of Islam must search for that holy
15 May 2020
6 Major Events Of The Holy Month Of Ramadan

Ramadan is the 9th Month of Hijri Calendar. Holy Month of Ramazan has a very special place in the Muslim world. The month comprises 3o fasts sometimes it is of 29 fasting days. Fasting is one of the 5 main pillars of Islam. Historically Ramadan has got a very special place due to the major
12 May 2020
Being Ample In Ramadan-The Need Of An Hour

Islam is a complete code of Life. It teaches it’s adherents to be ample, generous, and be kind to others in any case, especially in the holy month of Ramadan. There isn’t any class different based on color or race. The touchstone for superiority is only Taqwa, As in Quran Allah SWT says, “O mankind,
11 May 2020
21st of Ramadan-The Death Anniversary Of Imam Ali RA

Before I go into the history pages for the Death of fourth caliph Imam Ali RA, let me add here one of his beautiful lines, Imam e Ali RA said, “Life consists of two days, one for you and one against you. So when it’s for you don’t be proud or reckless, and when it’s