Author Archive
26 Oct 2009
Islam and Honor Killings

At present, there are numerous labels of negative connotations being associated with Islam. People all over the world fail to understand that culture and Islam are different in the Muslim population and the different acts which Muslims at present undertake because of their social or cultural constraints have nothing to do with Islam. Although Islam
20 Oct 2009
The Beauty of Quran Recitation
One of the miracles of Qur’an is that whoever recites it, even if someone doesn’t know Arabic language, will be completely obsessed by the wordings and teachings of Qur’an expressed in tremendous way. The one who hears Quran Recitation feels his heart trembling and quivering by the superiority of Allah (SWT). The Qur’an is not
19 Oct 2009
Women In Islam
If there is one stereotype that is most commonly associated with Islam is it being a religion that suppresses and oppresses women. With all the clauses of Islam people get the idea that it is somehow a male dominated or male favoring religion that considers women as only objects and subjects that are under the
15 Oct 2009
Teachings and Beliefs of The Religion Islam
According to Islam, every newborn child is innocent. So there is no concept of “original sin”. People remain guiltless until they commit a sin on their own will. Islam is neither an ethnocentric nor a sacramental religion. The followers of this religion observe no sacraments. Anyone can convert to Islam by his/her own discretion. There
15 Oct 2009
Does Quran Allow Forcing Someone to Embrace Islam?

In present times, one of the greatest allegations that Islam as a religion in general and the Muslims in particular face is the coercion involved in converting people to Islam. The misconception about Islam is that it is a religion that allows or rather commends its followers to use force as a means of making
07 Oct 2009
Now Learn Online How to Read and Recite The Holy Quran Properly!

The Quran was first revealed in Arabic. It still remains in its original form and believers say that God has made his concern to preserve the Quran in its original form. The word ‘Islam’ comes from the Arabic word ‘Salama’ meaning peace, purity, submission, and obedience. Islam in a religious point of view means submitting
01 Oct 2009
Prayers in The Holy Quran for Muslims – Part 1
The Quran provides us with many specific prayers that we may use for ourselves. The Quran contains the Contact Prayers in Sura 1, as well as other various prayers of supplication and commemoration. A list of Quranic prayers is provided here. God advises us in Sura 2, Verse 186: “When My servants ask you about