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Step by Step Salat Mobile App – An Easy Way to Learn Namaz

Step by Step Salat is a mobile app that will guide you about how to pray in Islam. Using step by step Salat will help you fulfill the obligation of Islamic prayer. Each step of Salat is described in this smartphone app in form of pictures with elaborated description. Along with the categorical description of

6 Kalma of Islam – Free App to Learn Basics of Muslim Belief

6 Kalmas of Islam is an app containing the 6 fundamental Kalmas required for complete faith in Allah. These six Kalmas are the essence of Islam. Many Muslims remember first Kalma only.  This app gives you a chance to memorize all the Kalmas. Both, Android and iPhone users can use the following buttons to download

Benefits and Rewards of Listening the Holy Quran

Quran is the ultimate source of guidance for Muslims, a Book that contains Divine knowledge and the instructions of it are complete within itself for the guidance and mentoring of Muslims. Therefore, for a Muslim there is no book that is more sacred than Quran and the ruling of which stands above and before all

5 Great Role Models for Muslim Women

If the history of Islam be viewed and analyzed from an objective point of view, then one would ultimately reach the conclusion that women have a great role and status in Islam and throughout the Islam history they have made their contributions and for those contribution they have been revered and appreciated. Like renowned and

How to Live a Successful Married Life – Islamic Tips

In Islam, one of the major parts of the life of a person is getting married. Both male and female are encouraged to get married in Islam at the earliest. Moreover, besides the general commendation of marriage, Islam also tells its followers to build such a marital relationship where both the partners live happily and

Marriage in Islam – How to Chose a Life Partner

 Marriage is one of the biggest decisions that a person makes in life. This decision has a direct and grave impact on the way future life of the person turns out to be and is also a major contributor to the happiness of both the partners involved in the relationship. After tying the matrimonial knot,

Major Misconceptions about Quran Among The Non-Muslims

For Muslims there is no book Holier than Quran in this world. For them Reading The Holy Quran is a source of Divine knowledge and a gift from Allah to help them live life in a better way and understand the instructions and guidelines of Islam. Besides the carrying of guidelines, Quran also carries light

How Islam is A Complete Code of Life?

The claim of Muslims that Islam is the complete code of life is not merely a false or shallow claim, rather from reading the ayahs of Quran and the knowing traditions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) give this claim a strong and provable groundings on the bases of which a Muslim can follow Islam and its

Islamic Way of Life – The Key Principles to Success

Besides the pleasures and rewards of the world hereafter, the other major role that religion performs is of teaching moral principles to a person. Moreover, these moral principles are not just to be read or understood, rather they need to be put to practice in this world so that the followers of the religion represent

10 Etiquettes Of Reading The Holy Quran

Holy Quran is a highly Revered and Sacred Book Allah SWT. It is the 4th and Final Heavenly Manuscript that was revealed upon the Last Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ over the period of 23 years. It holds distinction in itself from all books of rest of the world in being the written by the Almighty