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Too Busy To be Able to Read Quran? Start With These Simple Tips

There is no denying the fact that we live in a busy world where time is really money and no one wants to waste time. Moreover, besides the general wasting of time, the routines of people have become so stiff and stringent that people find it almost impossible to incorporate a new activity in their

Ramadan Diet Plan and Weight Loss Tips for Muslims

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is mandatory upon every Muslim and Muslims all over the world make special preparations and follow proper guidelines for this Holy month. In addition to the excessive praying and Quran recitation, one other factor that is a change compared to regular life routine is the diet plan. Muslims do

Islamic Word Scramble – Sharpen The Mind With Islamic Vocabulary

When it comes to learning Islam, especially teaching it to children, the problem which most of the Muslim parents face is that the learning becomes boring for the kids and they quit learning. Therefore, Muslim parents are always in search of means with the help of which they can make learning about Islam interactive for

Essential Do’s and Don’ts for Ramadan Fasting

  If you do not know how to correctly read the Quran in Arabic, then join Quran Reading Academy for online Quran teaching classes to improve your Quran recitation and understanding skills. The Holy month of Ramadan is just around the corner. Muslims anxiously await this auspicious month in which they pray and praise Allah Almighty

Benefits of Using Miswak As the Natural Toothpaste

In addition to giving religious instructions to Muslim on how they should perform their religious duties such as performing Salaat, fasting in the Month of Ramadan, and Paying Zakaat, Islam also tells to Muslims the things that are besides their religious obligations which are good for their life. The Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is

Fasting in the Month of Shaban And Its Importance In Islam

The Islamic lunar calendar comprises of twelve months. Each month of the Islamic calendar has its religious as well as historical significance, however, there are a few months that hold a superior stature compared to other months and because of this they are given more value and respect by the Muslims. One of such months

Significance Of Shab-E-Baraat In Islam

  If you do not know how to read the Quran in Arabic, then join Quran Reading Academy for online classes to improve your Quran recitation and understanding skills. Among the various Muslim rituals and celebrations, one of the most prominent is the celebration of Shab e Barat in the month of Shabaan. Muslims all across

Islamic Point of View Regarding Shab-e-Barat

  If you do not know how to read the Quran in Arabic, then join Quran Reading Academy for online classes to improve your Quran recitation and understanding skills. Islam has a culture of its own, where there are rituals, traditions, celebrations, events and so on. This is the reason why Muslims all across the globes

Tips for New Muslim Converts to Become Practicing Muslim

Islam is one of the fastest growing religions of the world. With each day that passes by, the number of followers of Islam continues on increasing and people from all across the globe enter into the circle of Islam. Therefore, there are always people who are trying to search on the internet about Islam and

Most Common Mistakes to Avoid In Offering Salah

Salah is one of the primary pillars of Islam and it is primarily in the form of Salah that Muslims praise and worship Allah Almighty. Besides being a pillar of Islam, it s also mandatory upon a Muslim five times a day. Therefore, except for the severe cases, it is an obligation of a Muslim