Author Archive
16 Sep 2014
The Importance of The Fajr Prayer

In Islam prayers five times a day is an obligation upon every Muslim and second important pillar of Islam. It is the prayer that helps a Muslim differentiate him or herself from people of other beliefs when it comes to worshiping. Moreover, the prayers are a means of invoking Allah Almighty and seeking His attention.
16 Sep 2014
Commonly Asked Questions about Hajj and Their Answers

Hajj is one of the important five pillars of Islam. It is the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the major rituals of it comprise of a variety of activities that are a commemoration of the earlier Prophets and religious personalities that have passed before Islam. Millions of Muslims from all over the world come
15 Sep 2014
Learn Ayatul Kursi – The Verse of The Throne

Learn Ayatul Kursi is an interactive mobile application for Islamic learning by Quran Reading Academy. This app includes word by word recitation, translation and transliteration of Ayatul Kursi. It is a useful application for Muslim kids who have just started learning to read Quran as the word by word recitation helps them in connecting Arabic
14 Sep 2014
Celebrating Eid-Ul-Adha In The True Spirit

As is Christmas known throughout the world, so is the Muslim festival of Eid. The literal meaning of the word ‘Eid’ is ‘Happiness’ or ‘Joy’, thus, the festival of Eid is a festival of joy where Muslims celebrate happiness by sharing it. Throughout the Islamic calendar, Muslims celebrate two Eids, one is known as ‘Eid-ul-Fitr’,
11 Sep 2014
An Insight on Virtues/Benefits of Surah Al-FalaQ and An-NaaS

Quran is a book of Wisdom and knowledge. Although it is the sacred religious book of Muslims, however, to those who wish to know about the universe and the concept of God and how He is the Creator of all, Quran presents great examples and explains everything in detail. Thus, Muslims receive the dual benefits
09 Sep 2014
Islam and Quran Promote Charity

Charity is an act of giving out to the people in need and society at large. Charity can be in form of money, goods, food or even simple act of spending time with those who need your assistance in any form. Life doesn’t offer equal opportunities for everyone; through charity we can share our blessings
08 Sep 2014
Hajj And Eid-Al-Adhaa – Two Gifts Of Dhul-Hijjah

Allah Almighty has blessed Muslims in a special way where He has attributed different Islamic months with different events of great religious reward and significance. Out of the 12 Islamic lunar calendar months, Ramadan is perhaps the most renowned and popular as it comes with Fasting and the festival of Eid-ul-Fitr. The second month that
07 Sep 2014
Young Age Is The Best Time To Perform Hajj

The general notion among masses is that youth is an age which should be spent in the pursuit of worldly achievement. This is the reason why in youth most of the people give little importance to religion and spend maximum time enduring to make their mark and achieve their worldly objectives. A contrasting behavior is
06 Sep 2014
Hajj And The Universal Messages It Conveys

In Islam there are different forms of worship. The mandatory one is in the form of Salah that a Muslim has to learn Namaz and offer five times a day, other than that there is the recitation of Holy Quran, the voluntary prayers, the keeping of fasts and the most renowned of all – the
05 Sep 2014
Important Tips On Preparation For Hajj- Part I

Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam that entails the pilgrimage that Muslims across the globe undertake to pay homage to the House of Allah and perform different rituals while doing so. Hajj is one of the greatest gathering of people on the face of this world and it embodies the preaching of equality, submissiveness,