Author Archive
29 Sep 2014
Surah Al Kahf – Never Miss to Recite Surah Kahf on Friday!

Introduction: Surah Al Kahf is a knowledge based application with complete recitation, translation, and transliteration developed by This app has been developed keeping in view the importance of Surah Kahf for Muslims. Surah Kahf is the 18th chapter of the Holy Quran. Download Surah Kahf now from Google Playstore and iTunes for free and
28 Sep 2014
Antichrist (Dajjal) – The Greatest Fitnah of the World

In religion Islam there are many prophecies about the future of the world. It has been fourteen hundred years since Islam made the prophecies in the form of the ayahs of Quran and the word of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), every one of which has proven true during this course. With the successful coming to life
25 Sep 2014
Islam Religion Encourages Learning, Observation and Science

All the progress that we witness in the world today has become possible because of a single human innate quality – learning. All the development, technology, social awareness, relationship building and management all have become possible because of us learning from experiences and observation. If this element were to be taken out of human history,
24 Sep 2014
Learn Basic Beliefs and Concepts of Religion “Islam”

The biggest problem any school of thought or a movement can face is people not knowing about it. When people don’t know about something, they don’t pursue it regardless of how inherently true and bountiful that thing is, therefore, the disseminating of information to amass followers is imperative, especially when it comes to religion. One
23 Sep 2014
Islamic Tips On How To Be Happy And Relieve Stress

One of the most discussed phenomenons in social sciences at present is the nature of happiness and the element that spring it. Different scholars and philosophers have given different definitions of happiness and how it can be achieved. On a general level the scholastic circles agree that happiness lies within and its achievement varies from
22 Sep 2014
Deeds to Do in First 10 Days of Dhul Hijja

Dhul-Hijja is the last month of Islamic calendar. Throughout the year there are months like Ramadan and Shawal that bring lots of blessings and benefits for a Muslim, therefore, it is quite natural to expect that the Islamic lunar calendar also ends with a month that brings myriads of celebrations and rewards for a Muslim.
21 Sep 2014
Learn Quran To Realize The Importance Of Forgiveness In Islam

If one looks around the world of today then the one thing that one will find most common among people and nations is the lack of tolerance, which then breeds their hatred towards each other. This hatred then takes the shape of violence and terrorism, thus, people whether for their rights or for keeping others
19 Sep 2014
Islam Spreads the Message of Peace, Justice And Equality

At present the general notion or the opinion of people about Islam is that of a religion that preaches aggression, terrorism, hatred among people detests any kind of worldly learning and progression. Thus, for the rest of the world, the followers of Islam are no more than savages who follow a religion that does not
18 Sep 2014
Importance of Salah (Prayer) According to the Holy Quran

Salah is the major form of worship that a Muslim offers five times a day regularly. It is an obligation upon a Muslim and a Muslim is to offer no excuse when it comes to offering Salah. The offering of Salah in addition to representing the submission of Muslims to their Lord also has other
17 Sep 2014
7 Habits That Muslims Must Fit In Their Character to Be Successful

The definition of success is relative. For some success means achieving wealth beyond measures, for other it means helping and saving humanity with whatever means are available at disposal. People set their goals of success and then put all their efforts in pursuing those goals and try to go to every extent possible in achieving