Author Archive
22 Oct 2014
The Purpose of Existence with Reference to Quranic Verses

Although the human species has progressed and evolved over centuries in the form of technological developments, however, there are some issues of conscious, unconscious or metaphysics that have been there from day one and that continue to haunt the human race at present as well. One of the such renowned questions is the question of
20 Oct 2014
Freedom of Speech or Exploitation Of Freedom?

In the present world, one of the major things for which the developed countries are known for is the freedom of speech. The notion is that it is one of the fundamental human rights to speak one’s mind and in every civilized society the individuals are free to have their own opinion and express their
19 Oct 2014
Understanding OF Quran Is The Corner Stone For Becoming A Momin

When talking about Islam, everyone agrees to the fact that any person who proclaims Shahada and believes in the pillars and components of Islamic faith comes into the circle of Islam and his or her new identity is called ‘Muslim’. Everyone who enters Islam is a Muslim but there is another term as well which
15 Oct 2014
Month Of Muharram And Its Blessings

The Islamic calendar comprises of twelve months. Among these months the month of Ramadan is popular among the Muslim Ummah because of the fasting that takes place in this month. Then there is the month of Shawal when Eid-ul-Fitr takes place and then there is the month of Dhul-Hijja which is known for the observation
14 Oct 2014
7 Physical Benefits of Saying Salat

In the five Islamic pillars, Salat is the most commonly performed and perhaps the distinctive quality of Muslims. It is the five times a day prayer that differentiates Muslims from non-Muslims in terms of their form of worship. It is an obligation upon every Muslim and they all have to learn and perform Salat without
14 Oct 2014
The Small Yet Extremely Important Islamic Virtues

Islam is a religion of peace and love that spreads the message of harmony, justice, and equality. It contains guidelines and instructions that can help benefit all of the humanity and make world a safe place to live where there is harmony and kindness all around. However, with negative projection of the religion and the
12 Oct 2014
Last Sermon (Khutba e Hujja Tul Vida) of Our Beloved Prophet (SAWS)

The narrations of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were recorded by the Companions in the form of Hadith. After Quran, these hadiths are what help Muslims understand Islam in the rightful manner. Among these hadiths, there are some that are famous and every Muslim uses them as a common reference, while there are other narrations that are
09 Oct 2014
The Inner Teachings of Islam

When it comes to the teachings of a particular religion, there are certain preaching that are common and the general masses are aware of them. The majority of the followers try to follow those teachings and make sure that they fulfill or obey the superficial structure of the religion. However, there is another side to
01 Oct 2014
Where Are Muslims In The World Today? – Downfall Reasons

In the world of today there is exploitation, there is injustice, there is poverty, economic depression, maltreatment of women, and tyranny of all kinds and sorts. All of these elements put the whole existence of humanity and all the progress made by humans into question. If this what progress has brought us, then how are
30 Sep 2014
What is Islam – A Short Introduction

Islam is one of the fastest growing religions of the world. Its followers have spread all across the globe and with every day that passes it experiences and increase in its followers. The religion that was previously thought as to be the religion of Arabia is now a universal religion and it has followers from