Author Archive
31 Dec 2014
How To Revive The True Spirit Of Islam In Muslim World

There is no denying the fact that at present the condition of Muslims all over the world is beyond explanation. This plight of Muslims is a representation of the plight of Islam, therefore, it is not only the Muslims who are experiencing the downfall, it is Islam that is going through the downfall because of
29 Dec 2014
Rabi-ul-Awal: What Does The Birth Of Muhammad (PBUH) Stand For?

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awal fourteen hundred years ago in the land of Macca, Saudi Arabia. He was born an orphan and His mother also passed away when He was six years old. After that, it was His grandfather and uncle who raised Him. It was at the age of
24 Dec 2014
15 Things About The Character of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Every Muslim Must Spread

If there is any personality that has lived on the face of this earth who was complete in every regard and the life of whom can serve as a beacon of guidance for people of every walk of life, that personality would undeniably be the personality of Muhammad (PBUH). Muslims follow Him because of Him
22 Dec 2014
10 Verses of Quran That Define The Complete Structure Of An Islamic Society

Islam does not encourage its followers becoming hermits and living a stoic life. Rather, Islam is a religion of society and encourages the establishment and sustaining of a society in which the members of the society interact and cooperate with each other. Islam wants its followers to live within the society and while staying there,
21 Dec 2014
9 Signs Of Weak Faith With Reference to Ahadith

When it comes to the matter of faith, the thing required of a follower of a particular faith is to be strong in it. Faith helps shape the perception of a person pertaining to life, therefore, if the foundation of faith is weak, it is quite natural to expect the believer of a faith to
17 Dec 2014
Lessons A Muslim Can Learn From The Life Of Hazrat Eesa (AS)

It is an imperative part of Islamic belief to believe in all the Prophets that Allah Almighty sent for the guidance of mankind. Whoever enters Islam by accepting its tenets, or those who are Muslims, all have to believe in the Prophets that came before Muhammad (PBUH) and spread the message of Truth and Guidance
15 Dec 2014
Curing Stress With The Help Of Holy Quran

One of the contemporary menaces that have been haunting humans across the world for years and the intensity of which keeps on increasing with every passing day is Stress. It is the most common disease that is experienced by people belonging to different regions, different classes, and different cultural and social settings across the globe.
09 Dec 2014
Inspirational Verses and Beautiful Islamic Quotes from Quran

The verses of Quran are dense with knowledge and wisdom. Soon after the days of its revelation people have been trying to interpret the meaning of its verses and the verses that are open, come up with a new interpretation every time they are studied. Therefore, one can find and analyze the verses of Quran
05 Dec 2014
Parenting Tips from Surah Luqman

Parents have a very great responsibility when it comes to raising their children. It is the parents who are the primary source of guidance for their children and if parents do their part well, the chances of children growing up to better individuals increase substantially. In other words, it is the parents in their house
03 Dec 2014
How Can A Muslim Make The Youth More Rewarding & Productive

Youth is the prime age in the life of a person. It is a time when health, vitality, spirit and passion all are at their optimal and a person feels he or she can do everything and whatever they undertake in life they could achieve it. This adrenaline flow and feeling of strength is the