21st of Ramadan-The Death Anniversary Of Imam Ali RA

Before I go into the history pages for the Death of fourth caliph Imam Ali RA, let me add here one of his beautiful lines, Imam e Ali RA said,
“Life consists of two days, one for you and one against you. So when it’s for you don’t be proud or reckless, and when it’s against you be patient, for both days are test for you.”
(Imam Ali RA)
An overview of Hazrat Ali RA’s reign
At the point when the Prophet Muhammad SAW died in Medina in the year 632 of the Christian Era, he was the most remarkable figure in Arabia. His nearest male relative was his cousin Ali ibn Abu Talib RA, the child of Muhammad SAW’s uncle. To save him from destitution, Ali RA had been raised in the Prophet’s family unit from childhood and he later wedded Muhammad’s little girl Fatima. Presently around 32, he may have been viewed as too youthful to even consider succeeding Muhammad SAW. Hazrat e Abu Bakr RA was chosen as first caliph, the Prophet SAW’s dad-in-law, and perhaps the most seasoned companion and partners. He died two years later.
In the periods of Umar RA and Uthman RA, Islam began its triumphant walk out of Arabia into the more extensive world. Middle Easterner armed forces vanquished Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, and Persia and infiltrated along the North African coast. Caliph Uthman RA was martyred in 656 by mutinous soldiers in Medina. After that Ali RA was offered the caliphate, after some dithering he acknowledged.
Hazrat e Ali RA, who had moved his capital to Kufa in present-day Iraq at this point, would not acknowledge the choice. A gathering of rigid Muslims called Kharijites (‘seceders’) presently betrayed him and one of them wounded him with a harmed blade when he went to supplicate at the Kufa mosque in 661. Ali RA died a few days after the incident. At his solicitation, it is stated, his entombment place was kept hidden, yet it is, for the most part, accepted to have been in the present Imam Ali mosque at Najaf in Iraq, close Kufa, which is a significant spot of the journey.
During Ali RA’s Rule
During Ali’s rule, except for Syria (which was under Muawiyah I’s control) and Egypt (lost during the last long periods of his caliphate to the revolutionary soldiers of Amr ibn Al-A’as), the staying ten territories were heavily influenced by him, with no change in the managerial association.
The regions were additionally isolated into the locale. Every one of them at least 100 locales of the domain, alongside the principle urban areas, were regulated by a senator (Wāli). Different officials at the commonplace level were:
Katib, the Chief Secretary.
Katib-ud-Diwan, the Military Secretary.
Sahib-ul-Kharaj, the Revenue Collector.
Sahib-ul-Ahdath, the Police boss.
Sahib-ul-Bait-ul-Mal, the Treasury Officer.
Qadi, the Chief Judge.
The incident of Death and Its Background
Ali turned into the caliph after the death of Uthman RA in 656. Anyway, he confronted restriction from certain groups including the Levant representative, Muawiyah I. A common war, called the First Fitna, occurred inside the early Islamic state which brought about the oust of the Rashidun caliphs and the foundation of the Umayyad administration. It started when the caliph Uthman ibn Affan was killed in 656 and proceeded through the four-year rule of Ali RA. After Ali RA consented to intervention with Muawiyah I following the Battle of Siffin (657), a revolt occurred against him by certain individuals from his military, later known as Kharijites (“the individuals who leave”). They slaughtered a portion of Ali RA’s supporters, yet they were squashed by Ali RA’s powers at the Battle of Nahrawan in July 658.
Ibn Muljam got together with two different Kharijites to be specific al-Burak ibn Abd Allah and Amr ibn Bakr al-Tamimi at Mecca, and inferred that the circumstance of the Muslims at the time was because of Ali, Muawiah and Amr ibn As (Nauzu Billa Min Zalik), the legislative head of Egypt. They chose to kill the three so as to determine the “woeful circumstance” of their time and avenge their companions killed at Nahrawan. Meaning to execute Ali RA, Ibn Muljam made a beeline for Kufa where he fell in love with a lady whose sibling and father had died at Nahrawan. She consented to wed him if no one but he could execute Ali RA. Subsequently, Ali RA was cut by Ibn Muljam at the Great Mosque of Kufa. After Ali RA’s demise, Ibn Muljam was executed in reprisal by Hasan ibn Ali.
It was a great loss indeed.
May he rest assure in peace, Ameen.