Rajab 5th-Migration Of Muslims To Habsha

Rajab is one of the holy months in Islam, there are well-known events took place during this month, you may read about the great Battle of Tabuk, and about Rajab in general in other blog posts here as well. The current discussion is about the Muslim’s migration to Habsha in the 5th of Rajab. So let us have a brief study for that.

Abu Jahl And Abu Sufyan’s Case Presentation
Let us open our discussion with the case presented to Najashi’s Court, it was the crucial time when Muslims of Makkah migrated to Habsha-Najashi’s Court following the advice of Prophet Muhammad SAW, the migration date was 5th of Rajab. Here is a glimpse from the history, What these two warlords said in their case about Muslims, let us add here for you, they said:
“O ruler, there is a gathering of shrewdness people from among our childhood who have disappeared to your realm. They practice a religion, which neither we, nor you know. They have neglected our religion and have not grasped your religion. The regarded pioneers of their kin — from among their own folks and uncles and from their own families — have sent us to you to demand you to bring them back.”
Jafar ibn Abi Taleb, who in the wake of grasping Islam got away from the indictment of Makkans and drove a designation of more than 80 migrants to Habesha, was remaining in the court of Christian King Najashi to protect Islam. He had full confidence in Almighty Allah thus he talked boldly.
Najashi asked his followers and bishops about the matter, they were already were bribed and after the inquiry of the king, they stated: “O ruler, they(Abu Jahl and Abu Sufyan) talk reality. Their own kin realizes them better and is better familiar with what they have done. Send them back with the goal that they themselves may pass judgment on them.”
The lord was irate with this reaction and stated: “No, by God, I won’t give up them to anybody until I myself call them and question them about what they have been blamed for.”
Najashi welcomed the Muslims at the court and asked Jafar RA the leading man for the Muslims in the court: “What is this religion which you have presented for yourself and which has served to cut you off from the religion of your kin? You likewise didn’t enter my religion nor the religion of some other network.”
Jafar stood and answered with full certainty: “O ruler, we were a people in a condition of obliviousness and indecency, adoring symbols and eating the substance of dead creatures, submitting a wide range of horrifying presence and dishonorable deeds, breaking the ties of family relationship, treating visitors seriously and the solid among us misused the powerless.
“We stayed right now Allah sent us a Prophet (harmony arrive), one of our own kin whose ancestry, honesty, dependability, and uprightness were notable to us. He called us to venerate Allah alone and to deny the stones and the icons, which we and our predecessors used to adore other than Allah.”
“He instructed us to talk reality, to respect our guarantees, to be caring to our relations, to be useful to our neighbors, to stop every single illegal act, to keep away from carnage, to maintain a strategic distance from obscenities and bogus observer, not to fitting a vagrant’s property nor criticize virtuous ladies.”
He requested us to love Allah alone and not to connect anything with him, to maintain Salat, to give Zakat and quick in the long stretch of Ramadan. We had confidence in him and what he brought to us from Allah and we tail him in what he has requested that we do and we avoid what he disallowed us from doing.
“Immediately, O ruler, our kin assaulted us, visited the severest discipline on us to cause us to repudiate our religion and return us to the old impropriety and the love of symbols.“
“They persecuted us, made life painful for us and blocked us from watching our religion. So we left for your nation, picking you before any other individual, wanting your assurance and planning to live in equity and in harmony in your middle.”
Najashi was dazzled and was anxious to hear more. He asked Jafar: “Do you have with you something of what your Prophet brought from God? It would be ideal if you read to me:”
Jafar, in his rich, sweet voice discussed for him a segment of Surah Maryam from Verses 19 to 32.
Najashi defended Allah’s words and stated: Certainly this and what Jesus had brought left one source. He went to the Makkan designates and said irately: I won’t hand them to you and I’ll protect them. At that point, he requested his subject to expel the assignment and to restore their blessings to them. He at that point went to Jafar and his gathering and stated:
“The pleasure is all mine; Your Prophet is welcome. I concede that he is the Apostle about whom Jesus had given uplifting news. Live any place you like in my country.”
The agnostic deligation came back to Makkah with their endowments despondently.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) after the Hudaibiyah Treaty, sent letters to driving rulers and leaders of the locale welcoming them to Islam. Amr bin Umayyah Dhimri was designated to the court of Habesha. Ruler Najashi got the letter with significant privilege, contacted it with his eyes and read it. He descended from the royal position and sat on the ground to show his humbleness and high regard for the Prophet of Allah. Later he requested that the letter be saved in an ivory casket.
The ruler composed back saying“…I affirm that you are the Messenger of Allah, genuine and affirming those before you. I have given my loyalty to you and to your sibling (for example Jafar) and I have given up myself through him to the Lord of the Worlds.”
The glimpse from history is not just an incident, but a reality accepted by the famous kings and renowned figures of the world. Islam is the religion of truth and dignity presented by Prophet Muhammad SAW. The same guidelines are still present for those who study Islam and want to know about this religion. In whatever direction, someone needs direction Islam will assist. This was the very thing that was felt by the non-Muslims as well, why not mention here the great lines by Alphonse De Lamartine, about Islam in general and specifically about Prophet Muhammad SAW, He said: “If greatness of purpose, the smallness of means, and astonishing results are the three criteria of a human genius, who could dare compare any great man in history with Muhammad?”
― Alphonse de Lamartine
The religion presented through such a genius of History is undoubtedly is the truth of all. Great were the feelings of Najashi for Islam and well regarded was his support for Islam at the time when Muslims migrated to his country and asked him for help.
May Allah bless his soul and guide us all towards the right paths that could lead us to permanent success. Aameen.