Feed your Soul with Good Deeds in this Ramadan

Ramadan is the ninth month of Islamic calendar when Muslims around the world fast and also recharge and revive their faith to become better human beings. Muslims stop eating and drinking from dawn to dusk which varies according to where one lives and the time when Ramadan arrives in different parts of the world. Holy Quran was also revealed on our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) during the holy month of Ramadan. It’s is a time to focus our attention on our Creator the Almighty Allah, our religion, our path and our actions, along with practicing self-discipline and self-will, all the while strengthening our faith.
It is the best time to revise the way in which we live our lives and question ourselves on what we are doing and where we are heading; not just in this world but in the journey to our Hereafter. Fasting is not only about abstention from food and drink; it is to refrain from other physical acts of need, including acts of intimacy and bad habits such as smoking etc. Fasting not only purifies our body’s physical attributes but also aims to purify the soul. The food for the soul is Dhikr, the remembrance of Allah which purifies and gives life to our soul. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “The similitude of someone who remembers his Lord and someone who does not is like that of the living and the dead.”(Bukhari)
It is the time of starving the body and feeding the soul with the nourishment of good deeds, Quran recitation and offering Salah and tries to make the most of the holy month spending in repenting and asking for forgiveness from Allah Almighty. Make your Ramadan from being materialistic to becoming more mental and spiritual, aimed to purify both your body and soul. Ramadan is a time to balance work and worship parallel. It is a time to recite and reflect over the Holy Quran and seek forgiveness for sins from Allah Almighty.
Ramadan helps that we purposely stay away from food and drink throughout the day. We are more aware of our speech, doing good deeds and charity in this holy month of Ramadan. Throughout the day while fasting make a habit to remember Allah Almighty. This is the best way to nourish your soul with the remembrance of Allah Almighty. Read more and more Quran, listen its Tafseer and evaluate its meanings during Ramadan. Prayer is the part of the remembrance of Allah Almighty five times a day along with Sunnah and additional prayers in which Tahajjud is one of the ways of growing spiritually and feeding the soul.
Ramadan is a great month for seeking forgiveness from Allah (SWT) and also forgiving others. Fasting is one of the many ways we can please Almighty Allah. Apart from spiritual cleansing, it also takes care of our physical fitness and is an excellent exercise. We can say that fasting is the beauty of Islam. Ramadan is the holy month in which those who enjoy immense blessings get a chance to sympathize with the less fortunate throughout the world. They can feel the hunger and needs of those who cannot afford to feed themselves and reflect upon their duties as a Muslim to give charity to the poor.
Ramadan refills the vessel of our souls. So try to feed your soul in this month of fasting. Leave bad habits, thoughts, and behaviors. Give up from things and people that are not adding value to your life. So let’s unite in this holy month of Ramadan and help ourselves while helping others. May Allah guide us to follow the straight path now and forever! Ameen