Ramadan: The Best You know It, The Blessed You Will Be

Controversies related to Islam are not new they are intertwined with this religion since start, and some have paved path in the hearts of many non-Muslims. Controversies vary regarding all the pillars of Islam but the main concern here is the month of Ramadan and all the stereotypes associated with the act of fasting. Islam is a religion of peace and its backbone lies in becoming a good practicing Muslim to prove that Allah wants us to submerge ourselves in the circle of Islam not only to fulfill His commands but also to be a good Muslim towards Society.
Ramadan: Ritual To Recharge Imaan Batteries
Ramadan is the month of fasting, to refrain from food, water, bad habits, and all worldly desires. Few stereotypes are associated with this holy month that have rendered the image of Islam and Ramadan in sight of non believers and let them force to think as if Islam is mere the religion of hardships for its followers. That is why few countries have ban fasting in their Muslim regions without knowing its true essence and benefits for the body and soul
Stereotypes associated with Ramadan
Ramadan is a trial version for us to become the best practitioners of Allah’s commandments by subjugating ourselves entirely to what Allah wants us to be. It is the month to recharge our Imaan batteries and to form a strong connection between Allah and ourselves. Negative phenomenon is associated with Ramadan but we can defuse them with our acts and beliefs. Stereotypes include:
- Fasting Harms Human Body
According to the non-believers fasting is to put off our hands from food, water and to force ourselves to starve and to remain thirsty from dawn to sunset, this prevailing concept in entirely wrong. Allah does not want His followers to stay hungry or thirsty rather He wants us to attain the true message of Ramadan, which is cleansing of body and purification of soul by keeping ourselves totally aside from negative and bad habits. The purpose of staying hungry is to feel the condition of deprived ones and to do Shukar for what He has blessed us.
- Fasting Makes Us Anti Social
The belief of fasting makes us anti social is a perpetuated thing by non-believers that has nothing to do with this month and the act of fasting. Fasting only refrains us from bad habits rather it inflicts the positive side of family bonding during sahoor and Aftar time. In west where the materialistic and busy timetable has changed the entire concept of Family, Islam gives us the opportunity to share and cherish this family bonding instead of makings us anti social it brings us close to our loved ones.
- Penalty For The Breakers
One common wrong concept that has associated with fasting is that all those will be punished who fast and then break their fast. This concept is void, as Quran has clarified it

There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing. – [Quran 2:256]
Act of fasting is obligatory for all those who reach puberty but all those are exempted who are suffering from illness, feeding & pregnant women, travelers and those having genuine reasons. Quran says:

[Fasting for] a limited number of days. So whoever among you is ill or on a journey [during them] – then an equal number of days [are to be made up]. And upon those who are able [to fast, but with hardship] – a ransom [as substitute] of feeding a poor person [each day]. And whoever volunteers excess – it is better for him. But to fast is best for you, if you only knew. [Quran, 2: 184]
- Nullifiers Of Fasting
We have this common believe that eating deliberately, vomiting, post natal bleeding and injections can break our fast but yet gain they are misconceptions related to Ramadan. No such aforementioned points break our fast nor we can find any verse and Ahadith related to it, expect any wishful act and the act of apostasy.
- Ramadan Makes Us Ill Tempered
Many of the studies conducted in west quoted that with the start of Ramadan the crime rate plummeted up to 50% because of the anger and temper that we Muslims cannot control. Ramadan does not make us ill temper instead teaches us to control our selves, reshape our behaviors and to be the perfect Muslims. Few Muslims cannot be taken as an example for the rest of the Muslims, if the west wants to see, see our Muhammad (PBUH) who is the best perfect Muslim till date.
Negate Stereotypes From Practice
Ramadan is the month of overcoming our weaknesses, to put our trust in Allah in order to remove all these stereotypes associated with its ritual by practicing the true teachings of Islam. The above stereotypes that are prevailing in our society and among non-believers can only be negated by our actions, the actions to perform according to the commandments of Allah, only then can the true image of Islam being a peaceful religion will prevail.