Quran Burning Event Cancelled

Florida: The Christian Minister (Terry Jones) cancelled the event of Quran Burning that was planned for the Saturday the 11/09/2010. This event struck to Muslims and natural causes seems to be in anger and protest by the Muslims all over the World. What the organizer of the event had in mind was to celebrate the terrorist attacks in 2001.
It was all the result of the anger and protest/actions of Muslims that made the organizer of such an event to cancel it. Therefore, the Christian Minister Terry Jones announced on Thursday evening outside the church (Gainesville, Florida) that his change of heart comes with reasons and they were with effect to Muslims.
Terry Jones: (Agreement)
As said about cancelling the Quran Burn day event Terry Jones told the news agencies that he has come to a mutual agreement with the authorities and Muslims that a certain location in New York city of a Islamic center and Mosque would be moved away from the very place as it lies to be near to the 9/11 incident.
Says the Minister “The American people do not want the mosque there and, of course, Muslims do not want us to burn the Quran,” said Terry Jones. “The imam has agreed to move the mosque. We have agreed to cancel our event on Saturday. And on Saturday, I will be flying up there to meet with him.”
New York Imam (Muslim Preacher): (No Agreement)
In responding to the above event and statement of the Minister Terry Jones, The Imam in New York said that there has been no talk and there has been no such agreement to move the Islamic Center and Mosque from its current location and there is no seemingly whatsoever intentions by the Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf.
With clear signs of rage from various political and religious parties it was made clear to the Minister planning the event, that condemnation worldwide was a clear sign whereas the President and the Secretary of State and various other political figures spoke out against such an idea and urged the Florida Minister to abandon the idea.