Simple Plan To Carry On The Spirit Of Ramadan Rest Of Year

Ramadan – The Holiest of Islamic months just ended. In this month, Muslims made special arrangements to worship and praise Allah Almighty. Muslims all over the world kept fast, offered regular prayers, maintained Taraweeh and did as much charitable deeds as possible to ensure that they make full use of this month and gather blessings and mercy. However, like all good things the month also ended a week ago.
Ramadan comes with special religious zest and spirit. However, when the month ends most of the Muslims find that spirit diminishing and decreasing with the passage of time. Every Muslim tries to keep the same spirit going throughout the year, however, when the atmosphere around changes, most of the people find it hard to continue with the same passion and attitude. That being said, there are still others who manage to stay in the same spirit and continue on the path of righteousness with the same spirit. The lines below give some tips for those who wish to carry on the spirit of Ramadan throughout the rest of the year.
Stick With The Good Deeds:
Ramadan brings an overall in the routine of Muslims. They shift their attention and focus towards good deeds of all kinds and sorts. They start praying with regularity; learning the Quran, bringing kindness in their attitude, helping each other out, giving more in charity, standing in Taraweeh prayer and try praising Allah in the form of Tasbeeh as much as possible. However, when the month ends, the fasting obligation is relieved which creates a domino effect and Muslims under the impression that Ramadan has ended also end the Ramadan good deeds with it as well. Thus, the spirit of Ramadan ends with this attitude of theirs.
A Muslim must understand that all the good deeds that he or she undertakes in Ramadan are not reliant on the act of fasting, rather these good deeds are independent and can also be performed in isolation.
Continue Offering Regular Prayers – The prayers that a Muslim performs during Ramadan are obligatory for the rest of the year as well. Therefore, there should be no excuse for missing prayers which were regularly performed during Ramadan. Hence, a Muslim must make sure that the habit of offering regular prayers with congregation is continued after Ramadan as well.
Continue Being Charitable – Although the reward of being charitable is far more in Ramadan, however, there is no reason that a Muslim cannot be charitable after Ramadan. The poor are there after Ramadan, the sufferings of people require relief even after Ramadan there are still people that require help and rescuing after Ramadan, therefore, charity cannot be limited to the month of Ramadan only. Rather the happiness a Muslim experiences by being charitable in Ramadan can be used as a foundation upon which a Muslim can construct the building of charity for the rest of year. Once a Muslim experiences the joy of giving he or she tends to continue with it and it should be continued after Ramadan to remain in the same spirit.
Tasbeeh – Due to the intensified and magnified religious atmosphere during Ramadan, Muslims start doing Tasbeeh, which refers to praising Allah Almighty. The Tasbeeh basically refers to praising Allah, thanking Him for all He has bestowed and seeking forgiveness for whatever sins one has committed. Therefore, there is no reason that Tasbeeh also remains specific to Ramadan and it cannot be continued forward. Ergo, a Muslim must try carrying on the habit of Tasbeeh to the days after Ramadan and make it a regular part of the daily routine.
Fasts of Shawal:
In addition to the obligatory fasts of the month of Ramadan, the six fasts in the month of Shawal are also of great importance and reward. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to keep six fasts in the month of Shawal and He also encouraged the followers to do the same as well. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in a hadith:
“Whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan and then follows it with six days fasting in Shawal has done as if he has fasted for life.” (Muslim)
From the hadith it is clear that the fasting of Ramadan when complemented with the fasting of Shawal helps a person achieve reward equal to fasting for whole life. Therefore, one can easily carry on the spirit of Ramadan in general and fasting in particular to the month of Shawal and fast for six days to earn greater reward.
Refrain From Evil Deeds:
Besides the fact that in Ramadan a person can easily observe an increase in the good deeds committed by Muslims, the other noticeable thing is the decrease in the number of bad or evil deeds during Ramadan. The intensity and passion with which Muslims commit good deeds, they refrain from the bad deeds with the same passion and spirit. Like all other things, refraining from evil is not specific to Ramadan, rather it is something which a Muslim has to observe and practice other than Ramadan as well. The avoiding of sin or evil during Ramadan lays a great foundation for forming a habit of avoiding evil deeds as during the month the fear of Allah develops in the heart of a Muslim. Hence, a Muslim can use this fear of Allah and keep on avoiding bad deeds after Ramadan as well. However, if still some bad deed gets committed by a person, then he or she can nullify it by doing a good deed. Prophet (PBUH) said in His hadith:
“Fear Allah wherever you are, follow up the evil deed with good one, it will remove it and relate with people with good conduct.” (Tirmidhee)
Therefore, the fear of Allah that strengthens during Ramadan should be used as a source for refraining from evil, and if something does happen from a person, it should be removed by doing a good deed.
In a nutshell, there is no denying the prominence, significance and the impact Ramadan has on the lives of Muslims. However, a true Muslim must understand that being good and following the path of righteousness does not end with Ramadan, rather Ramadan helps revitalize a person and help him or her continue on the right path throughout the rest of the year.