7 Simple Steps To Prepare Yourself Before Ramazan

Ramazan A brief overview
Quran Al Baqara 2:183
يا أَيُّهَا الَّذينَ آمَنوا كُتِبَ عَلَيكُمُ الصِّيامُ كَما كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذينَ مِن قَبلِكُم لَعَلَّكُم تَتَّقونَ
“O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous”
Hadith Rasool SAW
The Messenger of Allah (saw) says, “Ramadan has come to you. (It is) a month of blessing, in which Allah covers you with blessing, for He sends down Mercy, decreases sins and answers prayers. In it, Allah looks at your competition (in good deeds) and boasts about you to His angels. So show Allah goodness from yourselves, for the unfortunate one is he who is deprived in (this month) of the mercy of Allah, the Mighty, the Exalted.” [ImamTabarani]

1. Start Planning
Be it making a calendar for work, working out or in any event, engaging loved ones, it’s ideal to arrange for the up and coming sacred month of Ramazan. This will keep you centered and you can get increasingly cultivated once you adhere to your arrangement. This is called pre-planning and it is vital before this holy month.
2. It starts from Early Breakfast-So plan it Early
Awakening for Sohour implies that you will have a too early supper, which is truly necessary when you don’t eat for the whole day. Begin having an early breakfast so your body can become acclimated to nourishment this early.
3. Shabaan—is the prime time to begin fasting and Planning for Ramazan
In the month of Shaban, the adherents of Islam may plan for their most awaited month of Ramazan. Fasting randomly, once in a week may help prepare Muslims for the full month of Ramazan. In this month many Muslims complete their fasting that was somehow missed due to some genuine reasons.
Deliberate (Nafl) fasts are an extraordinary method to help set up the psyche, body, and soul for Ramadan. If you can do it, follow the Prophetic Sunna and do fast in the month of Shaaban, which comes not long before Ramadan. If that demonstrates excessively troublesome, attempt to execute a portion of these different saunas: fasting on Mondays and Thursdays or fasting on the ‘white days’ of each Islamic month: the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth.
4. Recite and Reflect Upon the Qur’an
Numerous individuals plan to do a total perusing of the Quran at any rate once during Ramadan. If you don’t have a propensity for perusing the Quran day by day, accept this as an open door to fuse that propensity into your life. This will empower you to peruse longer areas of the book during Ramadan. Regardless of whether doing a total perusing of the Quran during Ramadan is excessively troublesome, making a propensity for perusing one page or even a couple of sections a day will bring numerous endowments during the blessed month and a short time later, as the Prophet (PBUH) stated: “The most adored of activities to Allah are the most steady ones, regardless of whether in little sum.”
5. Follow the Sunnah and Pray Extra Prayers
Numerous individuals plan to do a total perusing of the Quran at any rate once during Ramadan. If you don’t have a propensity for perusing the Quran day by day, accept this as an open door to fuse that propensity into your life. This will empower you to peruse longer areas of the book during Ramadan. Regardless of whether doing a total perusing of the Quran during Ramadan is excessively troublesome, making a propensity for perusing one page or even a couple of sections a day will bring numerous endowments during the blessed month and a short time later, as the Prophet (PBUH) stated: “The most adored of activities to Allah are the most steady ones, regardless of whether in little sum.”
6. Improve Your Character
Imam al-Ghazali talks about the inward components of the quick in his Revival of the Religious Sciences, which you can see before Ramadan shows up. He referenced that one must figure out how to quick with all the appendages, from every one of that hurts the heart. You can, for instance, dodge certain TV programs to shield the eyes from seeing nakedness, leave specific discussions to shield the ears from hearing foul language, and control the personality to keep the tongue from contention or slandering. The inward quick is among the most significant parts of fasting Ramadan and is regularly more troublesome than the physical quick from nourishment, water, and sexual relations, so the previous you start to rehearse this, the better.
7. Eat Healthy and Moderately
You should begin eating more advantageous dinners, and truly investigate the kind of nourishment you’re eating. Ramadan isn’t tied in with stuffing yourself with nourishment – despite what might be expected, it’s everything about eating nourishment that is beneficial for you and your body in a sound, moderate way.
Last but Not the least-A bonus Tip
The current situation throughout the globe has become panic due to COVID-19. The world is in the dire need of help, regardless of religion, race or color. Islam provokes his followers to do the best for the needy. So in this Ramazan do something very special to help humanity around the world.
Invest some energy before Ramadan to locate a neighborhood noble cause or network administration chance to work with, regardless of whether it be in an Islamic domain or a more extensive network. If you start a long time before Ramadan begins, you will conform to the earth before you start fasting, with the goal that you can disclose to collaborators why you can’t go along with them for a short breather or a dinner.