The Importance of Dhikr | Benefits and Effects in the Life of Muslim

Dhikr meaning “Remembrance” is the devotional act in Islam in which short Duas and prayers are recited repeatedly to remember Allah (SWT). Dhikr is a very powerful and simple way to worship Allah (SWT) when we have a lack of time, which carries many benefits and virtues. Allah Almighty says in Holy Quran: “O you who believe! Remember Allah with much remembrance” (Quran 33:41).
Allah (SWT) has made Islam so easy for the believers that even the shortest Surahs and phrases can receive the greatest reward. For example, the reward of reciting ‘Alhamdulillah’ is that it will fill the scales on the Day of Judgment with good deeds. As dhikr is so easy and carries great reward, this is a form of worship that we should seek to increase in our daily lives.
If someone wants tranquility and peace of heart he/she could get it in the remembrance of Allah (SWT). In Holy Quran Allah Almighty says: “Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest” (Quran, 13:28). In the Dhikr and remembrance of Allah (SWT) the heart of a Muslim find comfort on the side of Allah, become restful when He is remembered and pleased to have Him as his Protector and Supporter and surely, He (SWT) is admirable of it that is Dhikr.
Effects of Dhikr
Allah (SWT) wants us to remember Him in every situation no matter its happy or sad situation as much we possibly can. There is the great reason to have loved to remember Allah (SWT) for His sake alone. By praising and glorifying Allah (SWT) we are showing our gratitude to Him and recognizing His nobility. We are accepting that we have no power without Him, as He has power over all things. Once we have truly understood this we can understand that we are not actually in control of our lives, and it is only with the help and will of Allah (SWT) that we can achieve things in our lives.
Make a habit to do dhikr regularly in your day you will find that you feel more connected to Allah (SWT), which is a great feeling. The act of dhikr focuses your mind continuously towards Allah Almighty. It also has an instant calming feeling over your mind and body, and removes negative thinking from your mind. The more you practice dhikr the more you will want to do it.
Genuinely increasing the amount of dhikr you do in your day will have a valuable impact on other areas of your life. By the very essence of constantly being connected to your Creator your faith will naturally increase, and this will motivate you to implement other ways of life instructed by the Quran and Sunnah. As dhikr focuses your mind solely on Allah, you will also start to think of what else you can do to sincerely please Allah on a daily basis, thus developing sincerity in worship.
Benefits of Dhikr
One can remember Allah (SWT) in his heart and by his tongue but remembering Him both in heart and by tongue simultaneously, is the best way of His remembrance. This remembrance (dhikr) should be with good intention and for the sake of Allah (SWT).
There are many benefits of remembering Allah (SWT) which is the great act of worship. Some of them are listed below:
- Remembering Allah (SWT) drive out the Shaytaan by removing his whispering from the heart of Muslim.
- If someone wants Allah’s satisfaction then do Dhikr of Allah (SWT). In remembrance of Allah His satisfaction lies.
- In remembrance of Allah (SWT) one can find easiness in achieving daily sustenance.
- It brings dignity, courtesy and brilliance to the life of a Muslim.
- Allah (SWT) remembers those who remember Him. As He mention in Holy Quran: “Therefore remember Me (by praying, glorifying, etc.). I will remember you,” (Quran, 2:152).
- Remembrance of Allah (SWT) causes the love of Allah which is the spirit of Islam and the prominent ethics of the religion, the basic of happiness and salvation.
- Dhikr of Allah Almighty removes the worries and sadness from one’s heart.
- Those who remember Allah (SWT) the feelings of calmness, tranquility and happiness will penetrate on their heart.
In short, remembering Allah (SWT) is one of the virtuous acts of worship through which one can achieve tranquility, rest and peace of mind and heart. May Allah gives us the strength to do Dhikr regularly and can get Allah Almighty blessings. Ameen!