Ablution Archive

The Sunnah of Good Health | Tips for Healthy Life from Islamic Teachings

Islam is the religion of all times and places and a perfect system of secular values. Muslims all over the world not only attain spirituality but the height of all other glories with the wealth of health by practicing Islamic laws. The Islamic teachings do not guide just the spiritual development of its followers, but

Health Benefits of Ablution (Wudu) Which have been Proven Scientifically

Cleanliness or purity is the part of faith in religion Islam, that’s why Islam puts so much stress on being clean. The purification of body strengthens our soul, which ultimately brings us closer to Allah Almighty. Wudu (Ablution) is the state of purity that every Muslim must do five times a day before start offering

Importance of Wudu | Significance and Benefits in the Light of Quran and Hadith

Wudu (Ablution) is an Arabic which means the specific action of washing certain body parts. In these body parts hands, mouth, face, arms, nostrils, arms, and feet included.  In religion Islam, wudu has great importance. Muslims are required to perform wudu before offering the prayer five times a day. We want to make sure that