Surah At-Takwir- Meaning and the Message

In the sequence of 114 Surah, Surat Takwir is at number 81 in the Quran, Its name is gotten from the word Kuwwirat in the primary section. Kuwwirat is the passive voice from Takvir in the past tense, and means ‘that which is folded up’, thereby implying that it is a Surah in which the ‘folding up’ has been described. We can also say that Kuwwirat is the detached voice from Takvir in the past tense, and signifies “what is collapsed up”, along these lines inferring that it is a Surah wherein the “collapsing up” has been referenced:

Time of Revelation
The topic and the style obviously show that it is one of the Surahs to be uncovered at Makkah.
Topic and Subject Matter
It has two subjects: the Hereafter and the foundation of Prophethood.
In the initial six stanzas, the principal phase of the Resurrection has been referenced when the sun will lose its light, the stars will dissipate, the mountains will be removed and will scatter, the individuals will get careless of their dearest assets, the mammoths of the wilderness will be stunned and will assemble, and the oceans will bubble up. At that point in the following seven stanzas, the subsequent stage has been depicted when the spirits will be brought together with the bodies, the records will be exposed, the individuals will be demanded an explanation from for their violations, the sky will be revealed, and Hell and Heaven will be brought into full view. In the wake of delineating the Hereafter subsequently, man has been left to consider his own self and deeds, saying:
“At that point, each man will himself recognize what he has carried with him.”
After this, the topic of Prophethood has been taken up. People of Makkah has been addressed, it says, “Whatever Muhammad (upon whom be Allah’s tranquility and endowments) is displaying before you, isn’t the boasting about a lunatic, nor a malicious proposal enlivened by Satan, yet the expression of a respectable, lifted up and reliable flag-bearer sent by God, whom Muhammad (upon whom be Allah’s tranquility and favors) has witnessed for himself in the brilliant skyline of the reasonable sky in wide light. Whither then would you say you are going having turned away from this educating?”
Surah Takwir also talks about the killing of innocent girls buried alive in their babyhood and nobody questioned this barbaric act of the killers and this brutality never questioned before the advent of Islam.
This savage custom of burying the female newborn children alive had gotten strength in Arabia for various reasons. One explanation was monetary hardship in view of which the individuals needed to have fewer wards with the goal that they ought not to need to hold up under the weight of raising numerous kids. Male posterity was raised with the expectation that they would later assist in gaining a living, however, the female posterity was executed for the dread that they would need to be raised till they developed and afterward parted within marriage. Second, as a result of which the male kids were raised so as to have an ever-increasing number of aides and supporters; yet little girls were killed in light of the fact that in ancestral wars they must be ensured as opposed to being helpful in any capacity for protection. Third, another part of the basic turmoil likewise was that when the threatening clans struck one another and caught young ladies they would either keep them as slave-young ladies or offer them to other people. Hence the training that had gotten normal in Arabia was that at labor a pit was kept uncovered prepared for use by the lady so that if a young lady was conceived, she was promptly thrown into it and covered alive. Also, if some of the time the mother was not slanted to act in this manner, or the individuals of the family objected to it, the dad would raise her for quite a while pitifully, and afterward discovering time would take her to the desert to be covered alive. This oppression and cruelty were once depicted by an individual before the Holy Prophet (upon whom be harmony) himself. As indicated by a Hadith related in the principal part of Sunan Darimi, A man went to the Holy Prophet and related this episode of his pre-Islamic long stretches of obliviousness:
“I had a girl who was greatly joined to me. At the point when I called her, she would come racing to me. One day I got her and took her out with me. In transit, we went over a well. Holding her by the hand I drove her into the well. Her final words that I heard were: Oh father, goodness father!!”
Hearing this the Holy Prophet (upon whom be harmony) sobbed and tears began tumbling from his eyes One of those present on the event stated: O man, you have lamented the Holy Prophet. The Holy Prophet stated: Do not stop him, let him a question what he feels so firmly now. At that point, the Holy Prophet requested that he portray his story by and by. At the point when he described it again the Holy Prophet sobbed so sharply that his facial hair became wet with tears. At that point, he said to the man: “Allah has excused that you did in the times of numbness: presently go to Him in repentance.’
Hadit e Rasool SAW about Surat Takwir
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Anyone who wants to witness the Day of Resurrection as if they are seeing it should recite (Surah Al-Takwir): When the sun is wound round and its light is lost and is overthrown. And (Surah Al-Infitar): When the heaven is cleft asunder. And (Surah Al-Inshiqaq): When the heaven is split asunder. “(Al-Hakim)