All Is Not Lost – Make Ramadan Beneficial If You Can’t Fast

Ramadan is the month of blessings to observe the ritual of fasting in order to attain the true devotion of Allah by self-purification and self restrain. All deeds are multiplied when fast with the true spirit of Ramadan by abiding all rules that are forbidden in the capacity of this holy month. Ramadan is the time to tune up spiritual lives but what about those who cannot fast and are deprived of conjuring all those bounties entitled for the fasting Muslims? Allah Almighty is the kind deity and He does not want to burden you by imposing hardships that is why few of the Muslims are exempted from fast in certain conditions that are stated in Quran and Ahadiths. All those who cannot fast can still make it a productive month for themselves because not all is lost and still you can refresh your Emaan and can seek Allah’s forgiveness by practicing the basics that will keep you bound to the zeal and zest of this month.
Do Not Get Offended If You Cannot Fast:
If you are among those who are feeling melancholic on the dilemma of not being fasting in this Ramadan then get out of this remorse and prepare yourself for the blessings of this month. Though Allah has kept special rewards for those who fast yet you can be among those who can get the maximum reward by the act of supplications. Muhammad (PBUH) said
“Supplication (Dua) is the essence of Worship” [Tirmidhi]
Besides supplications, there are other ways to receive the blessings of Allah Almighty and to achieve his closeness in Ramadan. If you cannot fast then follow the following tips to be in the clan of blessed ones.
Tips for Productive Ramadan:
Fasting makes one disciplined by commanding to follow complete code of schedule for the entire month of Ramadan. By not fasting, you can still attain the level of self-restrain and can exercise self-disciple.
Following tips will help to make Ramadan productive:
- Quit Bad Habits:
Being Human is to commit mistakes and these mistakes become part of routine and are quite difficult to eliminate but don’t you worry, Ramadan provides a natural environment for moral training to control bad habits and to eliminate them eventually. Greet everyone open heartedly and hold your tongue. Do not utter a single word that breached the boundaries to hurt your fellow beings.
“The Prophet said, “Whoever does not give up forged speech and evil actions, Allah is not in need of his leaving his food and drink (i.e. Allah will not accept his fasting.)” [Bukhari]
Islam emphasizes on Haquq-u- ibaad more than Haquq-ul-Allah so start with treating people well by not hurting them with your deeds and words. The same is narrated in Hadith
“The best of the Muslims is he from whose hand and tongue the Muslims are safe.” [Muslim]
- Do Zikar And Offer Tarawih
Supplication (Dua) is a way to get closer to Allah Almighty, it is a direct source to ask for Allah’s blessings, His mercy and refuge from Hell. When you are not fasting then increase supplications by doing Zikar in order to maximize reward and to increase virtues.
- Offer daily prayers to revive your relationship with Allah.
- Offer Tahajud as this is the time when Allah descends down to earth from heaven and listens to those who ask for His mercy.
- Offer Tarawih as a congregational prayer. It is not only a source of multiple virtues but is a way to increase communal spirits by gathering all Muslim in mosque at one time.
- Offer Nawafils for Allah’s sake whenever get free time in Ramadan. Every deed has double reward so cash this opportunity before it’s too late.
- Do Zikar or Tasbeeh to stay connected to the actual spirit of Ramadan. Reciting Allaahu Alwahid As samad is equivalent of reciting third of Quran. In Hadith it is narrated:
“Would one of you like to recite a third of the Qur’an during a night? Whoever recited: Allaahu Al-Wahid As-Samad then he has recited a third of the Qur’an.” [Tirmidhi]
- Frequent Recitation of Holy Quran
Month of Ramadan comprises of 30 days more or less and so are the sections of Quran. Recite each section per day and at the end of Ramadan you will finish Quran eventually. Importance of reciting Quran in Ramadan can be extracted from following Hadith that
Ibn ‘Abbas narrates “that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was the most generous person, and he would be at his most generous in Ramadan because Jibril would come to him every night and he would rehearse the Qur’an with him.” [Sahih Al-Albani]
- Give Maximum Charity
Ramadan is not a name of mere hunger and thirst, it is state to understand the condition of less unfortunate ones. Reward of our deeds are greatly increased in the days of Ramadan and giving charity to the poor and deserve ones entail lot of blessings. Charity is an act highly recommended and appreciated by Allah and has mentioned it many a times in Quran.
“…..Establish prayer and give zakah (charity)….” [Quran 2:83]
Charity is a way of equating justice in society by sharing part of your wealth and food with those who are the deprived ones. In Ramadan ask the poor people to join you at iftar or break their fast, either ways are of high virtues. It is narrated in Hadith that
“If a person gives iftar to a fasting person in this month, his sins will be forgiven. And he will be given as many rewards as has that fasting person.” [Bayhaqi]
- Invite People To Break fast With You
Doing ibadah, offering Salah and to observe fast are the essence of Ramadan but the real meaning behind these all rituals is sharing. If you are not fasting then arrange iftar for others and provide everyone a platform to break their fasts with you. Arranging iftar is a way to communicate with others as it will enlighten the social aspect of community apart from the spiritual perspective of Ramadan.
Not everyone is fortunate enough to fast in Ramadan, lucky are those who are fasting and gaining all the bounties of Allah Almighty. Those who cannot fast due to sickness, pregnancy or any other reason too can make it productive by setting up their routine in Ramadan as per aforementioned tips. Indeed actions are tested as per intentions and will be rewarded same.