5 major events and first ten days of Dhu’l-Qi’dah(Dhul Qadah)

In today’s discussion, we will have a brief overview of the 5 major events of Dhu’l-Qi’dah(Dhul Qadah) and we will see how significant are the first ten days of this holy month. May Allah help us to understand our religion and may Allah SWT make our entire Islamic history a guideline for all of us. Ameen.
“Dhu’l-Qi’dah“(Zul Qadah) literally means “”possessor or owner of the sitting and seating place” “. During this month Muslim pilgrims from all around the world congregate at Mecca to visit the Kaaba. The Hajj is performed on the eighth, ninth and the tenth of this month. The day of Arafah takes place on the ninth of the month.
This is 11th month of Islamic calendar and a significant month in the history of Islam.
Few Ahadith For the month of Dhu’l-Qi’dah
Narrated on the Authority of Ibn Abbas that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “There are no days during which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these days,” meaning the (first) ten days of Dhul- Hijjah. They said: “O Messenger of Allah! Not even Jihad in the cause of Allah?” He said: “Not even Jihad in the cause of Allah unless a man goes out with himself and his wealth and does not bring anything back.” Sahih (Sunan Ibn Majah, Chapter 9, Hadith#1727)
Narrated on the Authority of Bishr bin Suhaim The Messenger of Allah (saw) delivered a sermon on the days of Tashriq (11th, 12th, and 13th of Dhul-Hijjah) and said: “No one will enter Paradise but a Muslim soul and these days are the days of eating and drinking.” (Ibn Majah, Chapter 9, Hadith#1720)
5 Major Events of the month of Dhu’l-Qi’dah
(1) 1 Dhu’l-Qi’ dah, Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah صَلَح ٱلْحُدَيْبِيَّة, Ṣalaḥ Al-Ḥudaybiyyah) was an occasion that occurred during the hour of the Islamic prophet Muhammad SAW. It was a significant arrangement between Muhammad SAW speaking to the territory of Medina, and the Quraishi clan of Mecca in January 628 (relating to Dhu al-Qidah, AH 6). It assisted with diminishing strain between the two urban areas, confirmed harmony for a time of 9 years, 9 months and 9 days, and approved Muhammad’s adherents to restore the next year in a serene journey, later known as The First Pilgrimage.
The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah was significant in Islam. After the marking of the settlement, the Quraysh of Mecca not, at this point believed Muhammad SAW to be an agitator from Mecca. They additionally perceived the Islamic state in Medina by marking the arrangement. The bargain additionally permitted the Muslims who were still in Mecca to rehearse Islam openly. Further, as there was not, at this point a consistent battle between the Muslims and the polytheists, numerous individuals rethought Islam, which prompted a lot more individuals to tolerate Islam. Also, the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah made ready for some different clans to make arrangements with the Muslims. The bargain likewise fills in for instance that Islam was not only spread with the sword, as Muhammad SAW had a military that could have assaulted Mecca, however, Muhammad SAW decided to arrange as opposed to assaulting.
A stanza of the Quran was uncovered about the settlement, which signifies, “Verily we have allowed thee a show triumph” (Quran 48:1).
(2) 5 AH, the Muslims participated in the Battle of Trench(Ghazwat al-Khandaq)
The Battle of the Trench غزوة الخندق, Ghazwat al-Khandaq, otherwise called the Battle of Khandaq and the Battle of the Confederates غزوة الاحزاب, Ghazwat al-Ahzab), was a 30-day-long attack of Yathrib (presently Medina) by Arab and Jewish clans. The quality of the confederate militaries is assessed around 10,000 men with 600 ponies and a few camels, while the Medinan protectors numbered 3,000.
The generally dwarfed protectors of Medina, for the most part, Muslims drove by Islamic Prophet Muhammad SAW, burrowed a channel on the proposal of Salman Farsi which along with Medina’s regular fortresses, rendered the confederate Cavalry, comprising of ponies and camels futile, securing the different sides an impasse. Wanting to make a few assaults on the double, the confederates convinced the Muslim-united Medinan Jews, Banu Qurayza, to assault the city from the south. Be that as it may, Muhammad’s strategy wrecked the exchanges, and separated the alliance against him. The efficient protectors, the sinking of confederate confidence, and poor climate conditions made the attack end in a disaster.
The attack was a “clash of brains”, in which the Muslims strategically defeated their rivals while enduring not many losses. Endeavors to vanquish the Muslims fizzled, and Islam got persuasive in the district. As an outcome, the Muslim armed force assaulted the region of the Banu Qurayza clan, prompting their acquiescence.
(3) 6 AH, Pledge of the Tree
In March 628 CE (6 AH), Muhammad set for Mecca to play out the custom journey of Umrah. The Quraysh denied the Muslims passage into the city and posted themselves outside Mecca, resolved to offer obstruction even though the Muslims didn’t have any aim or groundwork for the fight to come. Muhammad SAW stayed outdoors outside Mecca at Hudaybiyyah and sent Uthman ibn Affan RA as his agent to meet with the pioneers of Quraysh and arrange their entrance into the city. The Quraysh caused Uthman RA to remain longer in Mecca than they initially arranged and wouldn’t advise the Muslims regarding his whereabouts. This made them accept that Uthman RA had been murdered by the individuals of the Quraysh. At this event, Muhammad SAW assembled his almost 1,400 Sahaba and called them to vow to battle till’ the very end and vindicate the demise of Uthman RA. This vow occurred under a tree and was in this manner known as the Pledge of the Tree. During the way toward vowing, each Sahaba preceded Muhammad SAW and vowed, with his hand on Muhammad’s.
(4) 7 AH, The First journey – the arrival to Mecca for the presentation of Umrah by Muhammad SAW and his partners
The primary journey or Umrah of Dhu’l Qada (Pilgrimage of the eleventh month) was the main journey that Prophet Muhammad SAW and the Muslims made after the Migration to Medina. It occurred on the morning of the fourth day of Dhu al-Qi’ dah 7 AH (629 CE), after the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah 6 AH (628 CE). The whole occasion was three days in length.
Prophet Muhammad SAW had announced that from the age of 40, he was getting divine revelations. He and his adherents, called Muslims, were mistreated by the decision of family of Mecca, the Quraysh, and drove out toward the northern city of Medina. A few furnished encounters followed, alongside the Muslims endeavoring an arrival journey to Mecca in 628, as coordinated by one of the disclosures. They were dismissed by the Quraysh, however, the Meccans agreed to a détente, and the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah had an arrangement that the Muslims could return calmly to Mecca for a journey in 629.
(5) 8 Dhu’l-Qi’dah, Hajj was made incumbent upon Muslims in 8 AH
The Hajj حَجّ “journey “; some of the time likewise spelled Hadj, Hadji or Haj in English) is a yearly Islamic journey to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the holiest city for Muslims. The journey, which endures around 5 to 6 days relying upon the lunar Islamic schedule, is an obligatory strict obligation for Muslims that must be completed in any event once in the course of their life by every single grown-up Muslim who are genuinely and monetarily fit for undertaking the excursion and can bolster their family during their nonattendance.
The exacting importance of the word Hajj is known to be “making a beeline for a spot for visiting”. In Islamic phrasing, Hajj is a journey made to the Kaaba, the “Place of Allah”, in the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The ceremonies of Hajj are performed more than five or six days, starting on the eighth and consummation on the thirteenth day of Dhul Hijjah, the most recent month of the Islamic schedule. It is one of the Five mainstays of Islam, close by Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, and Sawm. The Hajj is the second-biggest yearly assembling of Muslims on the planet, after the Arba’een journey in Karbala, Iraq. The condition of being genuinely and monetarily fit for playing out the Hajj is called istita’ah, and a Muslim who satisfies this condition is known as a mustati. The Hajj is an exhibition of the solidarity of the Muslim individuals, and their accommodation to God (Allah). The word Hajj signifies “to go to an excursion”, which indicates both the outward demonstration of an excursion and the internal demonstration of goals.
I would like to conclude today’s discussion with these words, that the month of Dhu’l-Qi’dah is full of important events that have great importance in Islamic history. Being a Muslim we should all must be aware of that.
May Allah SWT help us to stick to Islam and it’s ideology. Ameen.